Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


Women also misunderstand men. A woman often mistakenly
assumes that if a man is the right man for her, he will know
what she wants and will automatically consider her needs and
do the things she does to show that he cares. When he doesn’t
fulfill this unrealistic expectation, then she becomes unneces-
sarily frustrated and discouraged.
For example, a woman will make the mistake of demonstrat-
ing her interest by asking a man a lot of questions. As he talks
she continues to listen patiently. She assumes that if she listens
with great interest, he will be more interested in her. This is
true on Venus, but not true on Mars. The more a man talks,
the more interested he becomes in what he is talking about.
For a man to become more interested in a woman, she needs
to do more of the talking and authentically share herself in a
positive manner.
And how a woman talks can make a world of difference. On
Venus, when two friends get together they enjoy the opportun-
ity to share freely the mishaps, frustrations, disappointments,
and complaints of the week. A woman’s willingness to “share
all” is actually a compliment to the other woman. It is a sign
of trust, goodwill, and friendship.

On Venus, friends enjoy the opportunity to
share freely the mishaps, frustrations,
disappointments, and complaints of the week.

While this gesture on Venus may be “putting your best foot
forward,” on Mars it is not. A man can easily get the wrong
impression. When a woman dwells on negative feelings or
problems in her life, instead of valuing her willingness to share
openly, a man mistakenly assumes that she is


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