Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

difficult to please. Just as a woman is attracted to a man who
shows interest in her, a man is attracted to a woman who
clearly can be pleased. When she appears to be difficult to
please, he may easily become turned off.

A man is attracted to a woman
who clearly can be pleased.

To create the ideal opportunity to experience the best a man
has to offer and for a man to experience her best, a woman
needs to be careful to share the positive side of her life and
avoid dwelling on negative experiences. Conversation should
be light, not heavy, focused on current events in the world and
in their lives, but discussed in a positive manner.
This does not imply in any way that she should be fake.
Authenticity is what makes anyone most attractive. Everyone
has a positive and negative side, everyone has ups and downs,
and everyone has a needy side and an autonomous side. Put-
ting her best foot forward means sharing her most positive
side, her up side, and her autonomous side. Later on she can
share the other part. It is just a matter of timing.
To make the best impression and to get to know someone
most effectively, it is important that we first get a chance to
know the positive side. In the first three stages of dating—at-
traction, uncertainty, and exclusivity—it is best to focus on
putting forth our best self. After getting to know our best sides,
then in stage four, intimacy, we are ready to deal with the less
positive sides of who we are.

After getting to know our best sides,
we are ready to deal with the less
positive sides of who we are.

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