Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
Getting on Second Base

Second base is heavy petting. In this stage they begin to
stimulate their more erogenous zones. There are basically three
zones of exploration. The first zone is from the neck and
shoulders up, plus arms, hands, and feet. The second is from
the waist up and the third is from the waist down. Second base
includes exploration in zones one and two. Slowly they will
begin to explore and touch each other. At first this exploration
is done with clothes on, then with less clothing on, and then
with nothing on.

Getting on Third Base

Third base is the full stimulation of the genitals without in-
tercourse. It includes touching, caressing, and stimulating each
other in all three zones. Although the man does not penetrate
the woman through intercourse, they give each other pleasure
through mutual stimulation. They both eventually enjoy the
orgasmic bliss of two souls uniting in love.
The woman commonly makes the mistake of rushing to third
base to satisfy the man because she can feel his longing and
desire. This is a mistake. Ideally, before she gives him an or-
gasm, she needs to first be open and receptive to having her
own orgasm. When she also feels her longing to have an or-
gasm and she experiences one, then by giving him an orgasm
she is not giving too much or going too far. In this sense, by
listening to her own body she can know how far to go.

Sliding into Home Base

The fourth base or home base is intercourse.

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