Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Chapter 6: Introducing Basic Query Flow


FROM Person.Person

ORDER BY LastName, FirstName;

FirstName LastName
------------- --------------------
Syed Abbas
Catherine Abel
Kim Abercrombie


ORDER BY and the order of columns in the select list are completely independent.

Specifying the ORDER BY Using Expressions
In the case of sorting by an expression, you can repeat the entire expression in the
ORDER BY clause. This does not cause a performance hit because the SQL Server Query
Optimizer is smart enough to avoid recomputing the expression:

LastName + ', ' + FirstName AS FullName
FROM Person.Person
ORDER BY LastName + ', ' + FirstName;


Abbas, Syed
Abel, Catherine
Abercrombie, Kim


Using an expression in the ORDER BY clause can solve some headaches. For example, some
database developers store product titles in two columns: One column includes the full title,
and the duplicate column stores the title stripped of the leading “The.” In terms of perfor-
mance, such denormalization might be a good idea, but using a case expression within the
ORDER BY clause correctly sorts without duplicating the title. (Chapter 8 covers the full
syntax for the CASE expression.)

The AdventureWorks sample database includes a list of Product Descriptions. If the
Description includes a leading “This,” then the CASE expression removes it from the
data and passes to the ORDER BY:

USE AdventureWorks;
SELECT Description, LEN(Description) AS TextLength

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