Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part I: Laying the Foundations

■ (^) Image preparation of a standalone instance of SQL Server
■ Image completion of a prepared standalone instance of SQL Server
The Options section allows you to specify the architecture of SQL Server 2012 to install,
either 32-bit or 64-bit processor architecture. Additionally it allows you to specify the loca-
tion of the SQL Server installation media.
Installing SQL Server 2012 Through the Installation Center
The Installation Center is perhaps the easiest and most common way to install and modify
any SQL Server installation. To initiate the installation of a new SQL Server 2012 stand-
alone instance trough the Installation Center, follow these steps:

  1. From the Installation Center, select the Installation tab, as shown in Figure 3-2.
    FIGURE 3-2
    Installation section.

  2. Select the New SQL Server StandAlone Installation or Add Features to an Existing
    Installation option. The fi rst step in the SQL Server 2012 setup process involves
    examining the server using the System Confi guration Checker for conditions that
    prevent a successful SQL Server installation. The System Confi guration Checker
    runs a series of tests known as the Setup Support Rules that confi rm the following:

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