Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1
the lower body 307

1. Lower Body Poetry

Here’s a Chinese poem from the year 2000, Yin Lichuan’s «Why Not
Make It Feel Even Better» (ЎҔМϡݡ㟦᳡ϔѯ):^1

«Why Not Make It Feel Even Better»
ah a little higher a little lower a little to the left a little to the right
this isn’t making love this is hammering nails
oh a little faster a little slower a little looser a little tighter
this isn’t making love this is anti-porn campaigning or tying your shoes
ooh a little more a little less a little lighter a little heavier
this isn’t making love this is massage writing poetry washing your hair your feet
why not make it feel even better huh make it feel even better
a little gentler a little ruder a little more Intellectual a little more Popular
why not make it feel even better

What is this about? Sexual intercourse, sure—but how does one have
sex in an intellectual or popular fashion?
«Why Not Make It Feel Even Better» appeared in the first issue
of The Lower Body, in July 2000. It is dated January 2000, when the
Popular-Intellectual Polemic that had raged through the Chinese
poetry scene the previous two years was coming to an end. We will
take a closer look at the Polemic in chapter Twelve; for now, suffice
it to note the following points. Having started as an inner-circle af-
fair that involved numerous prominent poets and critics, the Polem-
ic soon spilled over into the general media outside the poetry scene.
Older scholars and critics in particular considered this a loss of face
for literature. Their indignation over what many appeared to see as
contemptible behavior on the far side of an unbridgeable generation
gap was fueled by the feeling that those fanning the flames were care-
lessly endangering hard-won literary freedoms. After all, it was not
long before that ubiquitous censorship and most of all self-censorship
had set strict limits for literature, and original metaphor could lead to
political interference by the authorities in the form of publishing bans,
general harassment, disciplinary measures and so on. A fracas within
the avant-garde, which had quickly grown and diversified since the

(^1) The Lower Body 1: 58-59.

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