Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1
what was all the fuss about? 455

cism], inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-3: 30-48 andlj䆫খ㗗NJ1999: 57-67 and entry
102: 587-604 (earlier published inlj࣫Ҁ᭛ᄺNJ1999-8: 88-90, 81
64 1999-09 | Zhang Shuguang ܝᓴᲭ,LJ 90 ᑈҷ䆫℠ঞ៥ⱘ䆫ᄺゟഎLj
[Poetry of the Nineties and My Poetical Standpoint], inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-3:
49-55 (reprinted inlj䆫খ㗗NJ1999: 82-85 and entry 85: 3-9 and entry 102:
65 1999-09 | Zou Jianjun ݯ䚍ᓎ,LJЁ೑ “㄀ϝҷ” 䆫℠㒉 ̔䆎: ҢᴼܟЏ
㓪lj 1998 Ё೑ᮄ䆫ᑈ䡈NJ䇜䍋Lj[Sweeping Remarks on China’s “Third
Generation” Poetry: On the 1998 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry, edited by
Yang Ke], inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-3: 79-87
66 1999-10 | Cheng Guangwei ♰ܝ⿟,LJᮄ䆫೼ग़৆㛝㒰ПЁ: ᇍϔഎ䆎ѝ
ⱘಲㄨLj[New Poetry Runs through History’s Veins: In Response to a
Polemic], inlj໻ᆊNJ1999-5: 190-193 (reprinted in entry 85: 120-125 and
entry 102: 579-584)
67 1999-10 | Wang Jiaxin [Zi An] ⥟ᆊᮄ,LJ 90 ᑈҷ䆫℠㑾џLj[Annals of
Poetry of the Nineties], inljቅ㢅NJ1999-10: 82-93 (reprinted in entry 85:
365-394, using pseudonymᄤኌ)
68 1999-10 | Xie Youshun 䇶᳝乎,LJ䆫℠೼⮐⮯Lj[Poetry Is Hurting],
inlj໻ᆊNJ1999-5: 186-190 (reprinted in entry 102: 572-578)
69 1999-10-25 | Ding Mang φ㡦,LJ᠔䇧 “⇥䯈ゟഎ” ⱘᅲ䋼: 䆘ᑓκ⠜
lj 1998 Ё೑ᮄ䆫ᑈ䡈NJⱘ⧚䆎䆱䇁Lj[The True Nature of the So-Called
“Popular Standpoint”: A Review of the Theoretical Discourse of the 1998
Yearbook of China’s New Poetry, Guangdong Publishers], inljढ໣ᯊ᡹NJᘏ
128 ᳳ, 25 October 1999
70 1999-11 | Song Xiaoxian ᅟᰧ䋸,LJЁ೑䆫യⱘৃᚆ⦄⢊Lj[The Sorry
State of the Chinese Poetry Scene], inlj䆫খ㗗NJ1999: 98-99
71 1999-11 | Xu Jiang ᕤ∳,LJϔϾҎⱘ䆎ѝLj[One Man’s Polemic], inlj䆫
খ㗗NJ1999: 96-97
72 1999-11 | Xu Jiang ᕤ∳,LJ䖭ህᰃ៥ⱘゟഎLj[This Is My Standpoint],
inlj䆫খ㗗NJ1999: 86-90
73 1999-11 | Yang Xiaobin ᴼᇣⒼ,LJϔ䖍辛ৢᇓ䋺ˈϔ䖍ᱫ䗕辛⊶Lj
[Square Accounts after the Autumn Harvest While Stealthily Sending
Autumn Waves], inlj䆫খ㗗NJ1999: 93-95 (reprinted in entry 85: 71-74)
74 1999-11 | Yi Sha Ӟ≭,LJϞϔ䇒Lj[Teach You a Lesson], inlj䆫খ
㗗NJ1999: 100-101
75 1999-11 | Yi Sha Ӟ≭,LJϪ㑾᳿: 䆫ҎЎԩ㽕ᠧҫLj[End of the Century:
Why the Poets Are Going to War], inlj᭛টNJ1999-11: 7-11 (reprinted
asLJϸϾ䯂乬੠ϔϾ㚠᱃: ៥᠔㒣ग़ⱘⲬዄ䆫ӮLj[Two Questions against
One Background: The Panfeng Poetry Conference as I Experienced It],
inlj䆫খ㗗NJ1999: 75-81 and with its original title in entry 102: 515-526)
76 1999-12 | Geng Zhanchun 㘓ऴ᯹,LJ≵᳝㒜㒧ⱘ⦄ᅲLj[Unending
Reality], inlj䴦ᑈ᭛ᄺNJ1999-12 (cited by the author, without page num-
bers; reprinted in entry 85: 126-130)
77 1999-12 | Han Dong 䶽κ,LJ䆎⇥䯈Lj[On the Popular], in entry 78: 1-18
(reprinted in entry 102: 464-478)
78 1999-12 | He Xiaozhu (ed) ԩᇣネ㓪,lj 1999 Ё೑䆫ᑈ䗝NJ[Selected
Chinese Poems of 1999], 㽓ᅝ: 䰩㽓Ꮬ㣗໻ᄺ
79 1999-12 | He Xiaozhu ԩᇣネ,LJ↣ᑈッߎϔѯདৗⱘκ㽓: 㓪䕥Ꮉ԰᠟
䆄Lj[Serve Some Goodies Each Year: Editor’s Note], in entry 78: 481-

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