Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1

476 works cited

Aviram, Amittai. 1994: Telling Rhythm: Body and Meaning in Poetry, Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press

Bailey, Alison. 2006: review of David Der-wei Wang, The Monster That Is History:
History, Violence, and Fictional Writing in Twentieth-Century China, MCLC Resource
Center → Book Reviews (online, see also p475)
Barmé, Geremie. 1999: In the Red: On Contemporary Chinese Culture, New York: Columbia
——— & Jaivin, Linda (eds). 1992: New Ghosts, Old Dreams: Chinese Rebel Voices, New
York: Times Books / Toronto: Random House
Barnstone, Tony (ed). 1993: Out of the Howling Storm: The New Chinese Poetry, various
translators, Hanover etc: Wesleyan UP
Baudelaire, Charles. 1943: Le spleen de Paris: petits poèmes en prose, suivis des journaux intimes
et de choix de maximes consolantes sur l’amour [Paris Spleen: Little Poems in Prose,
Followed by the Intimate Journals and a Choice of Consoling Maxims on Love],
Paris: Éditions de Cluny
——— 1989: Charles Baudelaire, The Parisian Prowler: Le Spleen de Paris: Petits Poèmes
en prose, translated by Edward K Kaplan, Athens GA etc: University of Georgia
Beach, Sophie. 2001: “Straining at the Leash: China’s Journalists Battle Local Interests
and Censorship to Get the News Out,” in China Rights Forum, fall 2001: 12-15, 44
Bei Dao ࣫ቯ. 1978:lj䰠⫳ⱘ⍋ⒽNJ[Strange Shores], ࣫Ҁ (unofficial publication,
reprinted 1980)
——— 1983: Notes from the City of the Sun, bilingual, edited and translated by Bonnie S
McDougall, Ithaca: Cornell University East Asia Papers (revised edition 1984)
——— 1987:lj࣫ቯ䆫䗝NJ[Selected Poems by Bei Dao], ᑓᎲ: ᮄϪ㑾 (second,
expanded edition; first edition 1986)
——— 1988: The August Sleepwalker, translated by Bonnie S McDougall, London: Anvil
——— 1990: “Terugblik van een balling” [An Exile Looking Back], in Carly
Broekhuis, Dirk Jan Broertjes, Simon Franke, Simon Gunn & Bert Janssens
(eds), Het collectieve geheugen: over literatuur en geschiedenis [The Collective Memory:
On Literature and History], translated by Maghiel van Crevel, Amsterdam: De
Balie / The Hague: Novib: 65-79
——— 1991: Old Snow, bilingual, translated by Bonnie S McDougall & Chen Maiping,
New York: New Directions
——— 1994: Forms of Distance, bilingual, translated by David Hinton, New York: New
——— 1995: (࣫ዊ)ljज໰℠᠟: ࣫ዊ䀽䙌1972-1994NJ[Midnight Singer: Selected
Poems by Bei Dao (1972-1994)], ৄ࣫: б℠
——— 1996: Landscape over Zero, bilingual, translated by David Hinton with Yanbing
Chen, New York: New Directions
——— 1998: (࣫ዊ)lj㮡᠓ᄤNJ[The Blue House], ৄ࣫: б℠
——— 1999: “From the Founding of Today to Today: A Reminiscence,” translated by
Perry Link, Stanford Presidential Lectures in the Humanities and Arts (online, see
also p475; republished as “How the ‘Revolution’ Occurred in Chinese Poetry,” in
Jefferey Paine [ed], The Poetry of Our World: An International Anthology of Contemporary
Poetry, New York: HarperCollins, 2000: 433-437)
——— 2000: Unlock, bilingual, translated by Eliot Weinberger & Iona Man-Cheong,
New York: New Directions
——— 2003a:lj࣫ቯ䆫℠䲚NJ[Poems by Bei Dao], ⍋ষ: फ⍋
——— 2003b:lj࣫ቯⱘ䆫NJ[The Poetry of Bei Dao], 䭓᯹: ᯊҷ᭛㡎

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