Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1

498 works cited

——— 2001:LJҢ༈ݡᴹ—1999-2001: 䆫Ҏⱘ㹿㓮Ϣ䆫℠ⱘݙ೼ᡫѝLj[Start All
Over Again—1999-2001: The Poet’s Bonds and Poetry’s Internal War of Resist-
ance], inlj㡭㪝NJ2001-2: 130-135
Xu Jingya ᕤᭀѮ (ed). 1986:LJЁ೑䆫യ 1986 ⦄ҷ䆫㕸ԧ໻ሩLj[Grand Exhibition
of Modern Poetry Groups on China’s Poetry Scene, 1986], inlj䆫℠᡹NJ, 21
October 1986 andlj⏅ഇ䴦ᑈ᡹NJ, 21 and 24 October 1986
——— 1989:ljዯ䍋ⱘ䆫㕸NJ[A Volant Tribe of Bards], Ϟ⍋: ৠ⌢໻ᄺ
——— et al (eds). 1988: Xu Jingya, Meng Lang, Cao Changqing & Lü Guipin ᕤ
ᭀѮǃᄳ⌾ǃ᳍䭓䴦ǃ৩䌉ક,ljЁ೑⦄ҷЏН䆫㕸໻㾖 1986-1988NJ[Over-
view of Chinese Modernist Poetry Groups 1986-1988], Ϟ⍋: ৠ⌢໻ᄺ

Yan Jun 买ዏ. 2001:lj⃵ໄ⊶NJ[Infrasonic Sound], ࣫Ҁ: 䪕ᠬߎક SUB JAM B
(unofficial publication)
——— 2005: Sub Jam 012 (CD-rom), ࣫Ҁ (unofficial, also available at DACHS
poetry chapter → Yan Jun, with an introduction by Maghiel van Crevel; online,
see also p475)
——— 2006a: “live at Beida poem....,” Yan Jun’s MySpace page (online, see also
——— 2006b:ljϡৃ㛑NJ[Impossible], ࣫Ҁ(unofficial publication)
Yan Yuejun et al (eds). 1985: Yan Yuejun, Gao Yan, Liang Yun & Gu Fang 䯢᳜৯ǃ
催ችǃṕѥǃ乒㢇,ljᳺ㚻䆫䗝NJ[Selected Obscure Poems], ≜䰇: ᯹亢᭛㡎
Yang Changzheng ᴼ䭓ᕕ. 1994:LJ㽓Ꮁ: ӄᳯ᯳ぎⱘᱎ㗙Lj[Xi Chuan: Wise Man
Gazing at the Starry Sky], inlj࣫Ҁ䴦ᑈNJ7: 47-48
Yang Jian عᴼ. 1993:lj᭛࣪໻䴽ੑЁⱘഄϟ᭛ᄺNJ[Underground Literature dur-
ing the Cultural Revolution], ⌢फ: ᳱढ
Yang Ke ܟᴼ (ed). 2000:lj 1999 Ё೑ᮄ䆫ᑈ䡈NJ[1999 Yearbook of China’s New
Poetry], ᑓᎲ: ᑓᎲ
——— & Wen Yuanhui ⏽䖰䕝. 1996:LJ೼ϔग辵号ໄẇ⧚䆫ⱘ㖑↯Lj[Comb Out
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Yang Lan. 1998: Lan Yang, Chinese Fiction of the Cultural Revolution, Hong Kong: Hong
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Yang Li ᴼ咢. 2004:lj♓⚖: ㄀ϝҷⱘݭ԰੠⫳⌏NJ[Splendor: The Writing and the
Lives of the Third Generation], 㽓ᅕ: 䴦⍋Ҏ⇥
Yang Lian ᴼ⚐. 1980:lj໾䰇↣໽䛑ᰃᮄⱘNJ[There Is a New Sun Every Day], ࣫
Ҁ (unofficial publication)
——— 1989a:lj咘NJ[Yellow], ࣫Ҁ: Ҏ⇥᭛ᄺ
——— 1989b:ljҎⱘ㞾㾝NJ[The Self-Awakening of the Human Being], ៤䛑: ಯ
——— 1990: Yang Lian, The Dead in Exile, bilingual, translated by Mabel Lee,
Canberra: Tiananmen
——— 1991:lj໾䰇ϢҎNJ[The Sun and the Human Being], 䭓≭: ␪फ᭛㡎
——— 1994a: (἞✝)ljNJ[YÊ], ৄ࣫: ৄ☷⧒ҷ䀽力
——— 1994b: Non-Person Singular, bilingual, translated by Brian Holton, London:
——— 1996: “Living in the Now and Forever: A Way Forward for Chinese Lite-
rature,” translated by Yang Lian & John Cayley, in The Times Literary Supplement,
25 October 1996: 14
——— 1998a:lj໻⍋בذП໘: ᴼ⚐԰ક 1982-1997—䆫℠ोNJ[Where the Sea
Stands Still: Works by Yang Lian, 1982-1997—Poetry Volume], Ϟ⍋: Ϟ⍋᭛

——— 1998b:lj儐䆱gᱎ࡯ⱘぎ䯈: ᴼ⚐԰ક1982-1997—ᬷ᭛g᭛䆎ोNJ[Ghost-

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