Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1
index and glossary 505

Auden, Wystan Hugh: 403
author, historical person of: 50-51,
93-95, 123-124, 149, 161, 164, 192,
196, 321, 443-446
authorial intent: 51, 93, 190, 196,
345-346, 376
avant-garde (䫟ܜ): chapter One (esp
5-12) et passim
Aviram, Amittai: 59, 285, 288, 298-304

Ba ling hou shixuanljܿ嗟ৢ䆫䗝NJ→
Selected Post-80 Poetry
Ba ling hou yi dai ܿ嗟ৢϔҷ → Post-80
bad behavior: 305, 334, 339-341
Bai Hua ᶣḺ (1956): 83, 103, 402
Bai Ye ⱑ໰(= Duoduo): 7n8
Bailey, Alison: 113
Barmé, Geremie: 8, 148, 319
Barnstone, Tony: 287
Baudelaire, Charles: 6, 132, 226,
229-230, 243, 375

A Cheng 䰓ජ: 379
A Fei 䰓᭤ (1980): 335
A Jian 䰓മ (1955): 406
Abraham, Nicolas: 298
Abrams, Meyer Howard: 347, 360
abusive criticism (偖ǃ偖Ҏ): 425, 448
Academicized Writing (⊯ᄺ䰶࣪ݭ
԰): 334
Adorno, Theodor: 416
Ah Q 䰓Q: 404
Ai Qing 㡒䴦: 4, 102, 106
Akhmatova, Anna: 6, 416
Alternative Poetry (঺㉏䆫℠): 20
Alvarez, Alfred: 91, 94, 113
Analects (䆎䇁): 261
anti-intellectualism: 193, 318, 321, 353,
382, 391, 411, 442
Apollinaire, Guillaume: 403
Arbus, Diane: 315
Ash, Adrienne: 146
Ashbery, John: 220, 404-405
Attridge, Derek: 33, 284


Chinese names in transcription are followed by Chinese characters,
unless they occur with reference to publications in alphabetic languages
only (e.g. Dai Sijie, Kong Shuyu). Life years are included for all well-
known avant-garde poets mentioned in this study (see p xiv).
Terms and expressions are listed in Chinese as well as English if
they are originally Chinese (e.g. wen yi zai dao ᭛ҹ䕑䘧‘literature to
convey the Way’) or have a specifically Chinese usage (e.g. xianfeng ܜ
Texts listed include unofficial poetry journals (e.g. Today / JintianljҞ
໽NJ, Poetry Reference / Shi cankaolj䆫খ㗗NJ) and several serial book
publications (e.g. Epoch Poetry Series / Niandai shicongljᑈҷ䆫ϯNJ),
in recognition of their importance for the avant-garde; and a few
canonical texts from antiquity, whose significance is undiminished
today (e.g. Songs of the South / ChuciljἮ䕲NJ).

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