Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1
index and glossary 507

Dilthey, Wilhelm: 417
Ding Dang φᔧ (1962): 72, 261
Ding Mang φ㡦: 431
dixia ഄϟ → underground
Don Quixote: 404
Du Fu ᴰ⫿: 1
Duanlie ᮁ㺖 → Rupture
Duchamp, Marcel: 240, 323
Duoduo ໮໮(1951): xiv, 7, 18, 119,
137-139, 146, 150, 157, 170-171,
406; → Bai Ye
Duoyu ᴉ⏨ (1973): 305, 335, 393

Eagleton, Terry: 229
Earthly aesthetic: 10, 18, 20, 23-27
(definition), 29-30, 37-38, 45,
52-53, 73, 125, 168, 187, 190, 193,
221, 223, 251-252, 267, 281, 305,
314, 318, 331, 333-334, 338-339,
341-342, 346, 363, 365, 372, 382,
392, 394, 396-397, 399, 427, 438,
445, 447
Easthope, Anthony: 50, 53, 223, 459
Edmond, Jacob: 153, 161, 178
Edwards, Robert: 141
Elevated aesthetic: 10, 18, 20, 23-27
(definition), 30, 37, 45, 47, 52-53,
73, 79, 125, 135, 187, 189-190, 193,
197, 218, 221, 223, 251, 281, 305,
334, 338-339, 341-342, 346, 363,
365, 370, 372, 394, 396-397, 399,
445, 447
Eliot, Thomas Stearns: 286, 299,
Enlightenment (ਃ㩭): 15, 444
Eoyang, Eugene: 160
Epoch Poetry Series (ᑈҷ䆫ϯ): 63, 247,
438, 449
er qudaoѠ⏴䘧(= di er qudao ㄀Ѡ⏴
䘧) → second channel
establishment: 6; → orthodox poetics
exile and exile literature: 18, 52, 54, 57,
59, 287, 385-386, 406, 410, 414, 421;
chapter Four (definitions: 141-143,
146-147, 158-161, 177-179)
experimental (ᅲ偠): 10
explicit poetics: 10, 13, 37-38, 51-52,
65, 71-73, 95, 108, 122, 124n47,
152, 164, 180, 213, 250-251, 263-
265, 267, 283, 303, 315, 315-318,
331, 338, 409, 416, 439, 442-443;

“connecting” (᥹䔼) with the West: 57,
386-387, 416, 428, 433, 444
content: 288 (definition); → form and
content bias: 284-287, 302-303
Contemporary Chinese Experimental Poetry
(Ё೑ᔧҷᅲ偠䆫℠): 95
context → text, context and metatext
Cooper, Burns: 296
Coquetry Poetry Journal (ᩦ࿛䆫ߞ): 38
Coquetry School (ᩦ࿛⌒): 17, 42
Crespi, John: 12, 36, 251, 283, 473
crisis discourse: 32-33, 119, 305, 335
Cui Jian የᓎ: 107n21
Cui Weiping የिᑇ: 102, 118, 194,
197, 214
Culler, Jonathan: 33, 107, 293
cult of poetry: 18, 37, 46, 52, 103-104,
108, 112-113, 115, 190, 197, 204,
349, 365-366, 370, 372, 382, 394
cultural economy (᭛࣪㒣⌢): 32, 36,
48-49, 473
Curtis, Ian: 94

DACHS: xv, 472, 475
Dai Sijie: 162n46
Dai Wangshu ᠈ᳯ㟦: 4, 403
Dark Skin Poetry Series (咥Ⲃ䆫ϯ): 247
Dawei ໻ि (= Yu Jian): 262
DaxuLJ໻ᑣLj→ “Great Preface”
Day, Michael: 21-22n29, 53, 60, 103,
113, 338, 341
De Haan, Martin: 306
De Meyer, Jan: 251, 385
De Roder, Jan: 299, 347
DeFrancis, John: 193
demystification: 37, 46, 71, 80, 168,
214, 305, 338-339, 341, 365, 438,
Deng Xiaoping 䙧ᇣᑇ: 14, 149, 230
Denton, Kirk: 59, 107
Descartes, René: 461
di er qudao ㄀Ѡ⏴䘧 (= er qudaoѠ⏴䘧)
→ second channel
Di san dai ㄀ϝҷ → Third Generation
Di shige yundong Ԣ䆫℠䖤ࡼ → Low
Poetry Movement
Di si dai ㄀ಯҷ → Fourth Generation
dialect: 267, 373-374, 376, 387-388,
407-408, 410
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