Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1

508 index and glossary

Ge Mai ៜ呺 (1967-1991): 98,
100-101, 103n14, 111, 196,
247, 381
Geng Zhanchun 㘓ऴ᯹ (1957): 412,
Gerbrandy, Piet: 125
Geren xiezuo ϾҎݭ԰→ Individual
Gerenhua xiezuo ϾҎ࣪ݭ԰ →
Individualized Writing
Gillespie, Marie: 143
Ginsberg, Allen: 467-468
Glad, John: 59, 143, 146-159, 183
Glamlit Writers (㕢ཇ԰ᆊ): 320-322
Glass, Philip: 466
Glazier, Loss Pequeño: 22n29, 244
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: 98, 245
Gorky, Maksim: 468
Graham, Angus: 382n37
“Great Preface” (໻ᑣ): 185
Gu Cheng 乒ජ(1956-1993): 7, 26,
31, 34, 91, 93n1, 98, 100-101, 103,
112-113, 139, 147, 163, 247, 249,
287, 381, 391, 414, 438
guanfang ᅬᮍ → official
guanxi ㋏݇ → ties of allegiance
Gui Xinghua ढ݈䌉: 24, 48
Guo Lusheng 䛁䏃⫳(= Shizhi, 1948):
xiv, 15, 101; → Shizhi
Guo Moruo 䛁≿㢹: 4, 106, 110, 125
Guo Xiaochuan 䛁ᇣᎱ: 102, 130, 136,
275, 408

Ha Jin: 162n46
Haft, Lloyd: 3, 287, 446
Haizi ⍋ᄤ(1964-1989): xiii-xiv, 17,
31, 37, 39, 43, 52, 189-190, 196,
206-208, 210, 214, 218, 247, 249,
303, 333, 339, 365, 375, 381, 408,
414, 430, 438, 445-446, 461; chapter
Three; → Zha Haisheng
Hamlet: 404-405
Han Dong 䶽κ(1961): xiii, xv, 17, 45,
51-52, 102, 116-117, 120, 168, 252,
257, 259, 261, 278, 309-310, 315,
318, 338-339, 346-347, 361, 363;
chapters Two and Eleven; passim in
Twelve (esp 436-439)
Han Poetry (∝䆫): 17
Hanne, Michael: 160
Hanshilj∝䆫NJ→ Han Poetry

passim in chapters Ten (esp 345-347,
definition: 345) and Eleven
explorative (᥶㋶): 10

Fan xueyuanhua xiezuo ⊯ᄺ䰶࣪ݭ԰ →
Academicized Writing
Fang Lizhi Пࢅᮍ: 149
Fang Xiang ᮍ৥: 104
fangyan ᮍ㿔 → dialect
Faulkner, William: 416
fei guanfang 䴲ᅬᮍ → unofficial
Fei Jia 䌍௝: 260, 262
Fei Sha 亲≭(= Yang Lian): 7n8,
Feifeilj䴲䴲NJ→ Not-Not....
feminist critical discourse → Women’s
Feng Zhi 㟇ރ: 4
Ferry, Megan: 321-322
Findeisen, Raoul: 101
Finkel, Donald: 287
First Line (ϔ㸠): 141
fm3: 23, 462-463, 465, 472
foreign literatures, modern Chinese
poetry’s relation to: 3, 6, 15, 55-59,
123, 136, 152-153, 155-156, 162,
266, 362, 375, 379, 385-390; passim
in chapter Twelve
form: 299 (definition); → form and
form and content, synergy of: 52, 59,
125, 200-201, 215-221, 274-280,
325, 465-467; passim in chapters Six
and Eight
Forrest-Thomson, Veronica: 284, 286-
287, 299
Foucault, Michel: 416
Fourth Generation (㄀ಯҷ): 17
Freud, Sigmund: 298
Frost, Robert: 387
Frye, Northrop: 225, 293
fu 䌟 → poetic exposition
Fu Mahuo ヺ偀⌏ (1970): 330-331
Futurism: 342

Gao Bo 催⊶: 102-103, 105, 122, 123,
Gao Xingjian ع催㸠: 148, 161-162
Gaoyuan shijilj催ॳ䆫䕥NJ→
Highland Poetry Compilation
Garbage School (ൗഒ⌒) → Trash

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