Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1

514 index and glossary

Sontag, Susan: 416
Sötemann, August Lammert: 347,
soulmate journals (ৠҕߞ⠽ǃৠҎߞ
⠽): 444
South → North and South....
Southern Poetry Review (फᮍ䆫ᖫ): 154,
Spalek, John: 146, 179
spiritual pollution (㊒干∵ᶧ): 16, 35,
147, 149, 162, 423, 447-448
Standard Language (᱂䗮䆱): 266-267,
373-374, 376, 387-388, 407-408, 410
Stein, Gertrude: 220
Su Shaolian 㢣㒡䖲: 229
Su Shi 㢣䕐: 1, 413
Su Wei 㢣♰: 63, 71, 77, 163
subjectification: chapter Seven (esp
sublime: 25n33
suicide and literature: chapter Three
Suleiman, Susan: 160
Sun Shaozhen ᄭ㒡ᤃ: 417, 421, 423
Sun Wenbo ᄭ᭛⊶ (1956): xiii, 20, 52,
59, 83, 169, 249, 309, 461; chapter
Eight; passim in Twelve
Sun Wukong ᄭᙳぎ: 404
Sunflower (㩉): 331
Survivors, Survivors (ᑌᄬ㗙): 95, 119

Tabori, Paul: 143, 159-160
Tagore, Rabindranath: 412
Taiwan poetry: 53
TamenljҪӀNJ→ Them
Tan Chee-Lay: 162, 172
Tan Wuchang 䈁Ѩᯠ: 102, 124
Tang Jin ૤ᰟ: 421
Tang Xiaobing: 25
Tang Xiaodu ૤ᰧ⏵: xiv, 130, 152,
161, 184, 281, 393, 461; passim in
chapter Twelve
Tang Xin ૤⃷: 152
tansuo ᥶㋶ → explorative
Tao Naikan 䱊З՗: 386-389
Teeuwen, Rudolphus: 178
Tendency (ؒ৥): 141 (edited by Beiling);
17, 100, 135, 189-190, 402, 444-445
(edited by Chen Dongdong et al)
text → text, context and metatext
text, context and metatext (definition):
1, 13, 50

Shang Zhongmin ᇮӆᬣ (1964): 71
Shanghen wenxue Ӹ⮩᭛ᄺ→ Scar
Shao Fei 㒡亲: 150
Shao Jian 䚉ᓎ: 435
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: xiii, 107, 169,
228, 412
Shen Haobo ≜⌽⊶(1976): 20, 52, 59,
152-153, 468; chapter Nine; passim in
Twelve (esp 405-406); → Choushui;
→ Shen Lang
Shen Lang ≜⌾ (= Shen Haobo): 415
Shen Qi ≜༛: 72n12, 420, 422-423,
425, 427, 439
Sheng Xing ݈ⲯ (1978): 335, 436
Shi cankaolj䆫খ㗗NJ→ Poetry Reference
Shi Guanghua ⷇ܝढ(1958): 17
Shi jianghulj䆫∳␪NJ→ Poetry Vagabonds
Shi Jile 䞞ᵕФ (= Zhong Ming):
Shi Mingzheng גᮑᯢ: 113
shi sanwen 䆫ᬷ᭛: 225; → poetic prose
Shi wenbenlj䆫᭛ᴀNJ→ Poetry Text
shi yan zhi 䆫㿔ᖫ → poetry
Shige yu renlj䆫℠ϢҎNJ→ Poetry and
Shijinglj䆫㒣NJ→ Book of Songs
Shiren xiezuo 䆫Ҏݭ԰ → Poets’ Writing
shitan 䆫യ → poetry scene
shiyan ᅲ偠 → experimental
shiyi 䆫ᛣ → poetic sentiment
Shizhi 亳ᣛ (= Guo Lusheng, 1948):
15, 101, 151, 249, 438; → Guo
Shu オ (1972): 335
Shu Ting 㟦။ (1952): 7, 31, 34, 70-71,
91, 93n1, 101, 106, 159n40, 249, 341
shushang кଚ → book brokers
Simon, John: 225, 227, 229, 240, 246
sinologists: 54-59, 319, 382, 388-390,
403, 430, 437, 444
social concern: 20, 305, 326, 340-342
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr: 6
Song Lin ᅟ⨇ (1959): 139, 461
Song Qu ᅟ⏴(1963): 17
Song Wei ᅟ♰(1964): 17
Song Xiaoxian ᅟᰧ䋸 (1966): 152, 431
Song Zuifa ᅟ䝝থ: 38-39, 138
Songs of the South (Ἦ䕲): 1, 424

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