Indo-European Poetry and Myth

(Wang) #1

element has taken adjectival form (*neryo-). In the Vedas we find also the


ám‘heroism, heroic deed’, and in Homer the phrase μνο or
μνε’α, νδρω

The strangest of the Greek formulae involving this noun is Tερ:ν μνο,
used periphrastically with a hero’s name in the genitive, Tερ:ν μνο
Lλκινο ́ οιο = Alcinous and the like. As in Ο, δυσση

ο Tερ^ A, Tερ^ _
Τηλεμα ́ χοιο, Tερω

ι $ν? δφρωι, Tερο ́  does not (or did not originally)
mean ‘holy’ but had a sense corresponding to that of Vedic is

irá-, ‘strong,
impetuous’. The antiquity of the phrase is confirmed by the parallel of RV 8.

  1. 7 is


a... mánasa ̄‘with vigorous spirit’, as Kuhn already noticed in

An implacable or unyielding person is said in Homer to have a heart of
bronze or iron, χα ́ λκεον 6τορIl. 2. 490; σιδρεο θυμο ́  22. 357, 6τορ 24. 205,
521, κραδηOd. 4. 293; α, δα ́ μαντο θυμο ́  Hes. Op. 147; $ξ α, δα ́ μαντο N σιδα ́ ρου
κεχα ́ λκευται μλαιναν καρδαν Pind. fr. 123. 4. Similar images are common
in the Indian epics: MBh. 3. 28. 5 ‘he must have a heart of iron (a ̄yasam

dayam), that man of evil deeds’, cf. Rm. 2. 17. 30, 35. 20. In MBh. 6. 15. 53
and 10. 1. 10 the adjective is adrisa ̄ramaya-‘of rocky nature’, in 6. 115. 4, 7. 8.
10 et al. as ́masa ̄ramaya-‘of stony nature’, in 12. 171. 23 and Rm. 2. 55. 9
vajrasa ̄ramaya-‘of adamantine nature’.
The striking Homeric expression $γλασσε δ οT φλον 6τορ (Il. 21.
389), $μ:ν δ’$γλασσε φλον κη

ρ (Od. 9. 413), ‘and his/my dear heart
laughed’, is used of someone who laughs internally on perceiving that things
have turned out as he hoped. It has a series of parallels in Germanic poetry. In
theÞrymskviða (31. 1–2), when Thor’s stolen hammer is laid in his lap as he
sits disguised as a bride, hló Hlórriða hugr í briósti, ‘Hlorridi’s (Thor’s) mind
laughed in his breast’. Attila’s does likewise when Gudrun’s chastity is proved
by ordeal (Guðrúnarkviða C 10. 1–2). So too in Old English: Beowulf 730 þa ̄
his mo ̄d a ̄hlo ̄g, ‘then his mind laughed’;Andreas 454 u ̄re mo ̄d a ̄hlo ̄h‘our
mind(s) laughed’;Solomon and Saturn B 336 næ ̄ ̄fre æ ̄ ̄r his ferhð a ̄hlo ̄g‘never
before (had) his spirit laughed’.
In the last chapter we met the ancient root wekw‘speak’ and the Graeco-
Aryan noun
wekwes- (vácas-,#πο), used with particular reference to poetry.
Both in Vedic and in early Greek it can be characterized as ‘sweet’, and by the
same word, sva ̄dú-=]δ3, whose primary application is to sweet-tasting
things such as honey and mead. RV 1. 114. 6 idám... vácah

sva ̄dóh

sva ̄ ́dı ̄yah

‘this utterance, sweeter than sweet’; 8. 24. 20 vácah


ta ̄ ́t sva ̄ ́dı ̄yo mádhunas ́

(^45) Schmitt (1967), 105–8; Durante (1976), 158.
(^46) Pisani (1969), 362; Schmitt (1967), 109–14; Durante (1976), 94 f. (with other parallel uses
irá- and Tερο ́ ); Watkins (1995), 13.

  1. Phrase and Figure 89

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