Model Marriage
- Fear of Impotence (An inability to have a hard and erect penis)
(a) Impotence is defined as the inability to achieve an erection. 90% of impotence is
from the mind and can be cured.
(b) Causes of impotence include: loss of energy from tiredness or old age, fears of
comparison with previous partners, not being able to satisfy his wife, busy
schedules, bitterness, guilt from adultery, ridicule, unreasonable expectations,
passive wife, depression, etc.^4
General counselling and obedience to the WORD of GOD solves most of these
- Neil T. Anderson and Charles Nylander, The Christ Centered Marriage(Ontario: Glint,
1996), 119 - 20. - Tim and Beverly LaHaye, The Act of Marriage(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan
Publishing House, 1988), 173 - 4. - R. A. Kwame-Aryee, Handbook of Obstetrics: A Practical Guide To Management of
High Risk Obstetric Patients(Accra, Ghana: Bel-Team Publications, 1969), 320 - 322. - Ed and Gaye Wheat, Intended for Pleasure(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Fleming H.Revell,
1997), 122 - 135.