Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1
The Temperaments and Sex

  1. If not spirit-filled, the choleric wife may emasculate her husband by dominating
    and leading him in everything, including sex.

  2. If she isn’t interested in sex herself, she and her usually phlegmatic husband may
    go for long periods without sex.

  3. The choleric wife must not interpret a phlegmatic husband’s passivity about sex
    to mean he enjoys abstinence. In the end, an explosion will occur that will have
    a very serious and undesirable effect on the marriage.

The Melancholic Husband and Sex

  1. Is a supreme idealist.^5

  2. Usually goes into marriage without sex education because he believes the ideal
    will happen.

  3. If his wife is amorous, exciting and very expressive, things may work out fine.

  4. If he marries someone as naïve as he is, he and his wife may return from the
    honeymoon depressed.

  5. A shaky sex life can make a melancholic husband very unhappy and depressed.
    This depression will turn his wife off.

  6. Melancholics usually find it difficult to seek counselling and wait until their
    marriage is almost breaking to get help.

  7. The melancholic husband is able to express true love more than any other

  8. He is usually a loyal and faithful partner unless he indulges in impure thoughts
    that lead to promiscuity.

  9. When the melancholic loves his wife he will almost overextend himself in
    thoughtfulness, kindness and emotion.

  10. He is usually very romantic. He does the things that delight the romantic heart of
    a woman like playing soft music, dimming lights, using perfume, etc.

  11. His analytical nature makes him learn quickly what pleases his wife and then he
    enjoys bringing her fulfilment.

  12. If everything goes well for them they make great lovers. But since life does not
    turn out perfectly and the melancholic is such a perfectionist, he may almost
    refuse to accept anything less than perfection.

  13. Little things like dirty dishes in the sink, or a messy floor can turn a melancholic
    off sexually.

  14. He is likely to interpret, as rejection, his wife’s lack of immediate response to sex
    when he initiates lovemaking. If his wife tries to play a little hard-to-get-sex he
    is likely to think she does not desire him and may give up before she can reveal
    her true feelings.

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