Model Marriage
- Her husband must be someone who verbally assures her of her worth and his love
so that she can draw courage to overcome her fears. - Must learn to overcome her inability to speak about the way she feels and
communicate with her spouse about their sex life.
- Beverly LaHaye , The Spirit-Controlled Woman(Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House
Publishers, 1995), 192 - 4. - Ibid., 194.
- Ibid., 196 - 7.
- Ibid., 200 - 201.
William Glahn and Sandra Cutler, Sexual Intimacy in Marriage(Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1988), 79. - Beverly LaHaye, The Spirit-Controlled Woman (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House
Publishers, 1995), 203 - 5. - Ibid., 207 - 8.