Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 49

Normal Life in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural changing point in a woman’s life. Women vary as to how they feel
during this stage. Some women blossom and their growing roundness suits them. Others find
tiredness and sickness affect the joy of the first few months, and they feel large and cumbersome
from the middle of pregnancy onwards. For most women, there are ups and downs during
pregnancy: times when they are glad that they are pregnant and enjoy the process, and times when
they probably wish it could be over more quickly and they could feel like their old selves again.
Whichever case it is, a certain level of normal life can and should continue.^1

  1. Church Life

It is important to understand that pregnancy is not a sickness and so the mind should be
properly tuned to accept that fact, and to flow with it. God and church should still play a major
role in your life during pregnancy.

(a) Maintain your closeness to God by having regular quiet times. A good spiritual
tune-up can help ensure confidence and trust in God throughout the pregnancy.
(b) Attend church regularly and participate in all activities normally, unless your
doctor advises otherwise. Quite a few women use pregnancy as a major reason to
excuse themselves from ordinary Christian activities and end up backsliding
during pregnancy. After delivery, they never recover from their spiritual dullness.
(c) If you are a member of the choir, you should attend rehearsals and sing with the
group. It will be a good example for others to learn from. We see a wonderful
example of a heavily pregnant woman singing with the great, anointed worship
leader, Ron Kenoly in his “Lift Him Up” video (she sang a solo for the song,
“Hallowed be Thy Name”).
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