Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Model Marriage

  1. Sex in Pregnancy

(a) Pregnancy is a time when physical closeness can become very fulfilling. The
excitement both partners feel can be expressed sexually, adding to the richness of
their relationship.
(b) Many women allow the physical discomforts associated with their pregnancy to
hamper their sex life, and they always claim that sex is not too enjoyable. It is
important to establish that pregnancy is not a sickness; it is a stage of life and
therefore, the sexual life of the couple should not be made to suffer unduly.
(c) Some men find that a partner’s pregnancy enhances her attractiveness, and many
women feel particularly good about their bodies at this time. Indeed, the pelvic
congestion that occurs as the baby grows makes some women more quickly
(d) Many couples are concerned about whether sex during pregnancy can harm the
developing baby. For most pregnancies, most of the time, there is absolutely no
need to worry, but there are some circumstances in which you may be advised not
to have full sex. If you have a previous history of miscarriage, or had a threatened
miscarriage of this pregnancy, doctors advise against having sex at the time your
period would normally have been due. Also, any woman with a very low-lying
placenta is usually advised to avoid sex. If you have any concerns at all about sex,
do discuss them with your doctor.
(e) In a normal pregnancy, sexual intercourse is not a problem, though as the stomach
grows bigger, the couple needs to avoid positions with the man on top.
(f) Sexual life can continue right through to the last stages of the pregnancy.^2 Some
couples fear that full intercourse later on in pregnancy, can harm the baby or break
the waters but this is really not the case. In late pregnancy, sex may cause
contractions to occur. These are “practice” contractions, and some women
experience them throughout the last few weeks of pregnancy. Others hardly feel
them. Orgasm can set them off, but they usually fade away after a few minutes.
(g) For many couples, pregnancy provides the opportunity to develop and enhance
their sex life to include more touching, stroking, cuddling and massage. Many of
these skills can induce deep relaxation and satisfaction.
(h) Sex can be a pleasant, natural way to start labour when the pregnancy is overdue.
A woman’s body produces hormones during lovemaking which can help nudge
her into labour, and male semen contains substances called prostaglandins which
can help start contractions. It will only do this, however, if the mother and the
baby are ready for labour.
(i) Even if couples don’t feel inclined to make love, simply stroking, massaging,
touching and hugging can have the same effect and give a lot of joy.^3
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