Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 52


Preparation for Labour

It is helpful to prepare for the birth well in advance so that later on, you can slow down and
take life more easily. Make a list of things you may need in labour, pack a small case for your
stay in the hospital and make sure you also stock up on essential items for your return home. Buy
a few basics for the baby, like nappies, and a few baby clothes, but don’t rush out and buy a
complete wardrobe until after it is born and you know exactly what you need.

  1. Labour Bag

Have a small bag of things you may need while in labour. You may find some of the following
items useful:

(a) A nightdress or t-shirt to wear while in labour. Something old and soft will be
more comfortable than a hospital gown, which can be stiff or starchy.
(b) Face towel. This can be really useful for moistening your face and lips as labour
progresses and you need to take shallow breaths through your mouth.
(c) Toothbrush and toothpaste.
(d) An extra nightdress, towels and panties to wear after the baby is born. Usually
you can have a shower before being moved to the post-natal ward, so keep your
bathing kit handy too.

  1. Atmosphere Creator and Tapes

An “atmosphere creator” is a term we use for a portable sound system or player. Playing cool,
soothing Christian music or preaching messages can help you relax and feel confident that God
is going to see you through. Do not let other people affect your atmosphere with worldly music
and negative thoughts; create your own Holy Spirit-saturated environment!

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