Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Model Marriage

  1. There is a special reward for anyone who adopts a child.

I was a stranger and you took me in...
Matthew 25:35

This is because adoption is the receiving of a stranger into your life and family. As stated
clearly in Matthew 25:35, it is this very act (of taking in strangers) that the Lord will reward
greatly on the judgement day. Surprisingly, it is not the person with the biological child, but the
person with the adopted child who receives this extra blessing from the Lord.

  1. Adoption of children also enables the couple to walk in the love of God
    and manifest this great love of God.

The selfishness of man which makes us care for only our own blood is broken as adoption
forces you to love the unloved and the hopeless. This one act of adoption may well be the greatest
spiritual achievement of your whole life.

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all
knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and
have not charity (love), I am nothing.

1Corinthians 13:2

  1. Adoption makes you feel normal in society.

Adoption reduces the stress that is placed on childless couples by family, friends and the
society as a whole and the couples do not appear to be deficient or lacking in any way. As parents
discuss the problems and joys of their children, the parents of the adopted child will have similar
experiences to refer to. They will no longer feel left out of any conversation that concerns
children and they will no longer feel like the odd one out. This relief of stress can sometimes
even increase the couple’s fertility and lead to their having a biological child.

  1. Adopted children bring a lot of joy and happiness to their parents.

The difference between the parents’ lives before and after adoption can be compared to the
difference between night and day.

  1. Adopting children removes the pain and stress caused by infertility and
    the medical challenges that couples experience during this period.^1

  2. Adoption helps you to feel like a normal human being.

After adopting, you begin to feel that you are a normal woman/man, and a normal parent
because you do have children just like every other couple.

  1. Adoption saves you the trouble of going through pregnancy and labour
    with all its attendant and potential risks, dangers and pain.

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