Model Marriage
(g) The “agape” kind of love trusts (“... believeth all things”) and therefore is not
suspicious of the other spouse’s every move and associations. Your love must
move you to a position of trust so that you do not relate to your spouse with
suspicion; questioning motives and prejudging his/her actions especially in
relation to the opposite sex.^5
- Phileo
Let brotherly love continue.
Hebrews 13:1
(a) This has to do with brotherly love. It is the sort of love that binds siblings.^6
(b) Brotherly love must also continue in marriage.
(c) This aspect of love which provides friendship and respect must be present in the
(d) You must be able to chat with each other, play together, tease each other, etc.
(e) Talk about your interests, e.g. politics, etc.
(f) Be supportive of each other.
(g) Defend each other.
- Eros
Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all
times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
Proverbs 5:19
(a) “Eros” is sexual love.^7
(b) Romance must be present in every marriage. It is not only for beloveds or newly-
weds per se. You must continue with things like having lunch/dinner together,
taking walks, visiting people, etc.
NB: These three types of love must be present and working together all the time. One or two
without the other(s) is incomplete and impracticable. They are mutually reinforcing.
* Marriage without AGAPE is chaotic and selfish and is usually full of quarrels.
* Marriage without PHILEO leads to a wicked husband or an unkind wife.
* Marriage with only EROS love usually has short-lived happiness.
* Marriage without EROS usually strains the relationship of the couple and
leads to adultery.