Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 12

Duties of the Wife

Eve was created to be Adam’s HELPMEET. Therefore, whatever the woman does, her motive
must be to help, project, motivate, uplift and promote her husband.^1

  1. Love Your Husband

Some women do not love the men they marry. The reasons for this may include the following:
(a) She married him because of the material benefits she wanted to acquire.
(b) She might have been growing old so she accepted the marriage as a desperate
(c) She might have gotten herself pregnant by accident.

If any of these negative reasons was what drove you to marry, you can ask God for forgiveness
and pray for grace to do what his Word teaches you to do as a Christian spouse.

It is very important for a wife to love her husband otherwise it will be very difficult to perform
the marital responsibilities of submission, sex etc.^2

That theymay teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love
their children.

Titus 2:4
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