Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Model Marriage


  1. Linda Dillow, Creative Counterpart(Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1986), 49 -
    56, 83.; Lana Packer, Women Making a Difference in Marriage (Nashville, Tennessee: Lifeway
    Publications, 2003), 66 - 67.

  2. Robert Lewis and William Hendricks, Rocking the Roles (Colorado Springs, Colorado:
    Navpress, 1991), 97 - 101.

  3. Eddie L. Long, I Don’t Want Delilah, I Need You(Tulsa, Oklahoma: Albury Publishing,
    1978),117 - 8, 122.; Theda Hlavka, Saying I Do Was the Easy Part (Nashville, Tennessee:
    Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001), 40 - 44.; T. D. Jakes, Six Pillars from Ephesians:
    Celebrating Marriage. The Spiritual Marriage of the Believer (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Albury
    Publishing, 2000), 57 - 77; Larry Christenson, The Christian Family(Minneapolis, Minnesota:
    Bethany, 1990), 34 - 54.; Chuck and Barb Snyder, Incompability: Still Grounds for a Great
    Marriage(Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishing, 1999), 269 - 297.

  4. Some wives reading this book may be married to unbelieving husbands. You are still
    required to keep your side of the marriage bargain lovingly. For helpful insight see Marion
    Stroud, Loving God but Still Loving You (Bucks: Alpha Productions, 1995), 143 - 6: Margaret
    Hardisty, Forever My Love(Irvine, California: Harvest House Publishers, 1975), 135 - 143.

  5. Gary Ingrid, Whole Marriages in a Broken World(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Discovery
    House Publishers, 1996), 47 - 49; Linda Dillow, Creative Counterpart(Nashville, Tennessee:
    Thomas Nelson,1986), 14 - 29.

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