Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1
Principles of Finance in Marriage

  1. The Importance of Money in Every Venture

(a) Money is the medium of exchange for everything.
(b) As long as we live in this world, it is indispensable.

  1. Attitude to Money in the Home

(a) Discuss money openly. Aim at transparency/openness in everything, especially in
money matters.
(b) Avoid selfishness.
(c) Note that you (both) are only stewards of God’s money.
i. Spend it according to God’s wishes and God’s Word.
ii. You are accountable to Him.

(d) Manage your finances properly by budgeting.^1 These areas can guide you:
i. God first (first and best fruits (tithes), offerings).
ii. Savings or some investment.
iii. Addressing your NEEDS, not your wants.
iv. Liabilities/obligations (debts, bills, remittances, blessing others).
v. Extra (miscellaneous) to afford for flexibility.^2
vi. Buying food in bulk saves money and reduces financial stress.

  1. Understand the Realities of Housekeeping Money (Chop Money)

(a) The mode of its operation must be discussed and mutually agreed upon.
(b) The husband must not be detached from realities while the wife must also not be
prodigal in her spending.

  1. Understand Financial Headship

(a) Headship of the home extends to finances as well. Therefore, no matter who earns
more, the man must rule the finances of the home with wisdom and fairness.^3 He
must have a clear vision or foresight for the home to better the lot of the family,
e.g. plans to own a house someday.
(b) As a financial head, he must avoid stinginess, meanness, and irresponsibility.
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