Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Model Marriage

  1. She is not tender. She is not good at demonstrating love and affection; may not show
    much feeling or be very caring about her husband, workers and children.

  2. She is frank and has a sharp tongue.

    • She may appear to be insubordinate.

    • She is very critical, even in the area of sex.

  3. A choleric wife may be more pleasing to her boss at work or to her pastors, because
    she achieves a lot. However, were the boss to marry her, he may not be able to live
    with her!

  4. She is a strong woman who tries to dominate and lead her husband in everything.

    • She may not consult him when taking certain major decisions.

    • She naturally tells everybody else what to do.

  5. She may have a hot temper.

  6. She may be very unforgiving towards her husband.

  7. She may be so active at home pursuing countless activities that her spouse may feel
    unwanted. She may even find activities to do in the night.

  8. Doesn’t take time for real conversation and is easily threatened by questions.

  9. Is usually not very popular because other males feel threatened by her and she is
    often resented and judged by other women.^4


  1. Tim LaHaye, I Love You But Why Are We So Different?(Eugene, Oregon: Harvest
    House, 1991), 19, 20, 37, 40.

  2. Joyce Meyer, Help Me I’m Married!(Fenton, Missouri: Warner Books, 2000), 229.

  3. Tim LaHaye, I Love You But Why Are We So Different? ( Eugene, Oregon: Harvest
    House, 1991), 21, 23.

  4. Ibid., 21, 23.

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