
(Frankie) #1

15.4 Particle in a Sphere*

This islike the particle in a boxexcept now the particle is confined to the inside of a sphere of
radiusa. Inside the sphere, the solution is a Bessel function. Outside the sphere, the wavefunction
is zero. The boundary condition is that the wave function go to zeroon the sphere.

jℓ(ka) = 0

There are an infinite number of solutions for eachℓ. We only need to find the zeros of the Bessel

functions. The table below gives the lowest values ofka=

2 ma^2 E
̄h^2 which satisfy the boundary

ℓ n= 1 n= 2 n= 3
0 3.14 6.28 9.42
1 4.49 7.73
2 5.72 9.10
3 6.99 10.42
4 8.18
5 9.32

We can see bothangular and radial excitations.

15.5 Bound States in a Spherical Potential Well*

We now wish to find theenergy eigenstatesfor a spherical potential well of radiusaand potential
−V 0.

Spherical Potential Well (Bound States)



-V 0


We must use the Bessel function near the origin.

Rnℓ(r) =Ajℓ(kr)


2 μ(E+V 0 )
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