
(Frankie) #1

For the case of a constant potentialV 0 , we definek=

2 μ(E−V 0 )
̄h^2 andρ=kr, and the radial equation

d^2 u(r)


2 μ


E−V 0 −

ℓ(ℓ+ 1) ̄h^2
2 μr^2


u(r) = 0

d^2 u(r)

+k^2 u(r)−

ℓ(ℓ+ 1)


u(r) = 0

d^2 u(ρ)

ℓ(ℓ+ 1)


u(ρ) +u(ρ) = 0

Forℓ= 0, its easy to see that sinρand cosρare solutions. Dividing byrto getR(ρ), we see that
these arej 0 andn 0. The solutions can be checked for otherℓ, with some work.

15.9 Sample Test Problems

  1. A particle has orbital angular momentum quantum numberl= 1 and is bound in the potential
    wellV(r) =−V 0 forr < aandV(r) = 0 elsewhere. Write down the form of the solution (in
    terms of known functions) in the two regions. Your solution should satisfy constraints at the
    origin and at infinity. Be sure to include angular dependence. Now usethe boundary condition
    atr=ato get one equation, the solution of which will quantize the energies.Do not bother
    to solve the equation.

  2. A particle of massmwith 0 total angular momentum is in a 3 dimensional potential well
    V(r) =−V 0 forr < a(otherwiseV(r) = 0).

a) Write down the form of the (l= 0) solution, to the time independent Schr ̈odinger equa-
tion, inside the well, which is well behaved at atr= 0. Specify the relationship between
the particles energy and any parameters in your solution.
b) Write down the form of the solution to the time independent Schr ̈odinger equation, outside
the well, which has the right behavior asr→ ∞. Again specify how the parameters
depend on energy.
c) Write down the boundary conditions that must be satisfied to match the two regions.
Useu(r) =rR(r) to simplify the calculation.

d) Find the transcendental equation which will determine the energy eigenvalues.

  1. A particle has orbital angular momentum quantum numberl= 1 and is bound in the potential
    wellV(r) =−V 0 forr < aandV(r) = 0 elsewhere. Write down the form of the solution (in
    terms of known functions) in the two regions. Your solution should satisfy constraints at the
    origin and at infinity. Be sure to include angular dependence. Now usethe boundary condition
    atr=ato get one equation, the solution of which will quantize the energies.Do not bother
    to solve the equation.

  2. A particle is confined to the inside of a sphere of radiusa. Find the energies of the two lowest
    energy states forℓ= 0. Write down (but do not solve) the equation for the energies forℓ= 1.

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