Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

chapter 11

Time Management

After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:
■Describe personal perceptions of time.
■Discuss the rationale for good time management skills.
■Set short- and long-term personal career goals.
■Analyze activities at work using a time log.
■Incorporate time management techniques into clinical
■Organize work to make more effective use of available time.
■Set limits on the demands made on one’s time.
■Create a personal calendar using a computerized calendar

The Tyranny of Time
How Do Nurses Spend Their Time?
Organizing Your Work
Setting Your Own Goals
Long-Term Planning Systems
Schedules and Blocks of Time
Filing Systems
Setting Limits
Saying No
Eliminating Unnecessary Work
Streamlining Your Work
Avoiding Crisis Management
Keeping a Time Log
Reducing Interruptions
Categorizing Activities
Finding the Fastest Way
Automating Repetitive Tasks
The Rhythm Model for Time Management

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