Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
chapter 15 | Nursing Yesterday and Today 255


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6.What is your definition of nursing? How does it compare or contrast with Virginia Henderson’s
7.Review the mission and purpose of the ANA or another national nursing organization online.
Do you believe that nurses should belong to these organizations? Explain your answer.

Case Study to Promote Critical Reasoning

Alina went to nursing school on an Air Force scholarship. She has been directed to lead the
planning for establishing a comprehensive primary care and health promotion program clinic on
board NASA’s newest international space station. The crew is to remain on board the station for
6 months at a time. The crew will consist of military men and women from three countries.
1.What medical and nursing equipment should Alina plan to have in this center?
2.What would the physical environment on board need to have to satisfy Florence Nightingale and
Lillian Wald?
3.How do you believe Virginia Henderson would describe the role of the nurse in this environment?
4.Develop a possible nursing research topic for study in this situation.
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