Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
270 Index

Crisis management
avoidance of, 164
Critical pathways
in quality improvement, 137–139
sample, 140t–141t
Critical thinking
in effective leadership, 9f, 10
in quality improvement, 152
workplace climate and, 191
Crossing the Quality Chasm,135, 135b
Cultural diversity
in advance directive procedure, 32
as barrier to effective communication,
components of, 192–193
in ethical dilemma assessment, 50
health-care trends and, 132
as source of conflict, 93
workplace climate and, 192–193
organizational, 59–60
of safety, 147b, 147–148

Decisional activities
in effective management, 16f, 17
Decision making
in care delivery models, 127
delegation grid in, 121, 121b, 123f
empowerment through, 65
in ethical dilemmas, 50–51
matrix for staffing, 188, 188t
value of involvement in, 190–191
in work assignment guidelines,
of client care, 115–129
barriers to, 125–126, 126t
criteria for, 121
models of care delivery in,
need for, 119
nursing process and, 118–119,
principles of, 116–118, 117b
relationship-oriented concerns in,
124–125, 125b
safety and, 120–121, 121b, 122f,
task-related concerns in, 121, 123f,
direct versusindirect, 117, 125, 126t
five rights of, 116–117, 117b
Nurse Practice Act definition of,
overview of, 116b, 116–118
supervision versus, 117
Democratic leadership style, 6, 6t
health-care changes and, 132

Design flaws
resistance to change and, 105–106
in burnout, 204
as false imprisonment, 25–26
Deutschman’s myths and stages of
changing behavior, 110, 111t
Devaluation reaction myth
of conflict resolution, 94
Diagnostic errors
patient safety and, 146b
Diagnostic-related groups
in client care economics, 144
in code of ethics, 257
defined, 49
Direct channels
in effective communication, 75, 75t
Direct delegation
indirect versus, 117, 125, 126t
Direction setting
in leadership, 5
Directive leadership style, 6, 6t
in effective management, 17
in effective followership, 5
readiness for, 189–190
Disconfirming of beliefs
resistance to change and, 107
Discussion leadership
in informal negotiations, 97, 97b
contributors to, 65
Distributive justice
defined, 45
Do Not Resuscitate order
components of, 32b
ethical issues in, 47
legal issues in, 31–32
in advance directive procedure, 32
of health-care provider contact, 80
lawsuit prevention and, 28b, 28–29,
of medical errors, 147
of practice situation, 262
of sexual harassment, 181
time management and, 159
as organizational goal, 61
Drug use
as licensure violation, 36
workplace, 185–186
Durable power of attorney
legal issues in, 32–33
Duty of care
as component of negligence, 24

in care setting, 139
of client care, 132
in collective bargaining contracts, 98
in formal negotiations, 98
health-care system and, 143–146,
of sexual harassment, 180
in advance directive procedure, 32
employability and, 219
expertise enhanced by, 67–68, 68f
Henderson’s contribution to, 247–248
Montag’s contribution to, 246–247
Nightingale’s contribution to, 242
in résumé writing, 222, 224
of surgical patients, 81–82
workplace climate and, 191
Effective leadership
behaviors in, 9f, 10–11
qualities in, 8–10, 9f, 9t
in delegation, 123–124
in scientific management theories, 14
in time management, 164, 166
Elder abuse
as licensure violation, 36
Electronic health records
benefits of, 76, 76b
confidentiality and, 25, 46
in time management, 166
in job search, 226, 231t
rules for, 76–77, 77b
Emotional intelligence
in leadership, 7
theory of, 7
in ethical dilemmas, 48–51
in informal negotiations, 97, 97b
in resistance to change, 105
Employee development
in effective management, 16f, 17
feedback in, 82
Employee evaluation
in effective management, 16f, 17
performance appraisal in, 85–86
Employee wellness
in risk management, 143
Employer demand
nursing job growth and, 145
defined, 65
of nurses, 65–68
collective bargaining and, 67
contributors to, 65
decision making and, 66
emotional components of, 65
enhancing expertise and, 67–68, 68f

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