Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
Index 273

Institute of Medicine
core competencies of, 150–151, 151b
overview of, 134
priority areas of, 134b
on quality and safety of care,
134b–135b, 134–135, 146b,
146–147, 175
Institutional standards of practice
development of, 27
in health-care crisis, 252–253
in change implementation, 109f, 110
in effective leadership, 9, 9f
Interagency Council on Information
Resources for Nursing, 247
Interdisciplinary conferences
expertise enhanced by, 67, 68f
Internal standards of practice
development of, 27
Internal tempo
time management and, 159
International Center for Patient Safety,
147b, 147–148
International Council of Nurses Code
of Ethics for Nurses, 258
in job search, 226, 231t
Interpersonal activities
in effective management, 16f, 16–17
Interpersonal skills
in effective leadership, 7, 10–11
time management and, 164, 166
in job search, 226–234, 234b.See also
Job interviews
Intrinsic values
defined, 41
Introductory rounds
in quality improvement, 152
in job interview, 233
time management and, 164
Involuntary psychiatric hospitalization
legal issues in, 26
in burnout, 204

Job analysis and redesign
in effective management, 16f, 17
Job descriptions
peer review and, 87
Job dissatisfaction
burnout and, 204
nursing labor market and, 146
Job growth
nursing, 145

Job interviews, 226–234
answering questions in, 227–232
appearance and body language in,
asking questions in, 233
do’s and dont’s of, 233, 234b
follow-up to, 233
initial, 226–227
preparation for, 226–227
second, 233–234
Job search
choices in, 234–235
interviews in, 226–234, 234b
letters in, 225–226, 227f–230f
preliminaries in, 218–219
résumé writing in, 221b, 221–225,
223f, 224t
SWOT analysis in, 218–219
unsuccessful, 235
Joint Commission
on importance of communication, 80
on quality improvement, 142–143,
148b, 150
on risk management, 142–143
on safety, 147b–148b, 147–148, 150, 175
on SBAR communication model,
expertise enhanced by, 68, 68f
values as, 40
in code of ethics, 258
principle of, 45–46
Juvenile criminal offense
defined, 23

Kaiser Family Foundation
on quality and safety, 149
deontological ethics of, 43
assisted suicide and, 52
King’s College Hospital, 241

Labor market
nursing, 145–146
Labor reform
Sanger and, 244–245
Laissez-faire leadership style, 6, 6t
as barrier to effective communication,
in effective communication, 75, 75t
in résumé writing, 224, 224t
allergy to, 181–183
products containing, 182t

assault and battery, 26
civil, 23–28
confidentiality, 24–25
criminal, 23
defined, 22
end-of-life decisions and, 31–33
ethical principles versus, 43
false imprisonment, 25–26
Good Samaritan, 24
health-care practice and, 189b
health-care trends and, 132
lawsuit prevention and, 28b, 28–29,
liability insurance and, 31
malpractice, 27
malpractice suits and, 22, 24, 26, 28b,
28–31, 29t
mandatory overtime and, 33–34
methods of creating, 22–23
needlestick injury, 183
negligence, 24
nursing licensure and, 34–36, 35t
nursing practice and, 21–37, 189b
end-of-life decisions and, 31–33
lawsuit prevention and, 28b,
28–29, 29t
licensure and, 34–36, 35t
mandatory overtime and, 33–34
standards of practice in, 26–31,
28b, 29t–30t
sexual harassment, 180
slander and libel, 25
sources of, 22–23
standards of care in, 26
common actions leading to, 29
common causes of negligence in, 28,
liability insurance and, 31
prevention of, 28b, 28–29, 29t
procedure for, 30–31
change and
implementation of, 108–110,
personal, 110
defined, 4
effective behaviors in, 10–11
in effective management, 15–16
effective qualities in, 8–10, 9f, 9t
in ethical culture, 48
followership and, 4–5.See also
management versus, 14t
readiness for, 4
response to poor, 5, 11–12
servant, 15
styles of, 6, 6t
theories of, 5–8, 6t–7t

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