Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
276 Index

Patient abandonment and neglect
legal issues in, 263
Patient care.See alsoClient care
delegation of, 116–128.See also
Patient Care Partnership, 27
Patient commitment
in codes of ethics, 257–258
Patient safety
in codes of ethics, 257–258
Institute of Medicine on, 134b,
134–135, 146b, 146–147
Joint Commission on, 147b,
organizational culture and, 59–60
in work assignment guidelines,
Patient Self–Determination Act of
life-sustaining treatment and, 32
nursing implications of, 33
as statutory law, 22
Patient’s Bill of Rights, 27
Peer review
comprehensive system of, 87
fundamentals of, 86–87
Peer support
value of, 190
Performance appraisal
procedure for, 85–86
standards for evaluation in, 86
Performance standards
peer review and, 87
Permissive leadership style, 6, 6t
Permissive licensure
mandatory versus, 34
in effective leadership, 9, 9f
Personal change
myths surrounding, 110, 111t
stages of, 110, 111t
Personal digital assistants
in time management, 162
Personal factors
in burnout, 205–206
Personal questions
in job interview, 232
Personal space
cultural diversity and, 192
invasion of, 93
Personal time inventory
in time management, 161
Personal values
defined, 41
Personalized patient worksheet, 119,
Physical barriers
to effective communication, 75
Physical environment
workplace climate and, 193

Physical health
in stress management, 208–210,
communication with, 80–81, 81t
informed consent obtained by,
types of orders written by, 81
Physiological stressors, 198
in change implementation, 109,
in delegation, 118
in effective management, 16f, 17
in ethical dilemmas, 50–51
health-care reform and, 151
in quality improvement, 136–137,
137b, 152
in time management, 162
Polio epidemic
mechanical ventilation and, 40
Health care, 193
Positive feedback
guidelines for, 82t, 83b, 83–84
Post–acute care reform plan, 149
Potential employer
researching, 220–221
Power, 64–65
conflict and, 93
defined, 64
empowerment versus, 65
resistance to change and, 106–107
sources of, 64–65
Preventive errors
patient safety and, 146b
Primary nursing care delivery model,
in ethics, 43
Principles and Practice of Nursing, 247
in delegation, 123
in time management, 160–161, 166,
in codes of ethics, 258
negative feedback and, 82t, 83, 83b
Private for-profit health-care organiza-
defined, 59
Private not-for-profit health-care
defined, 59
in values clarification, 42, 42b
workplace conflicts and, 91–100.See
alsoConflicts; Problem solving
Problem solving

in adaptation to work-related stress,
202–203, 203t
in conflict resolution
case study of,95b, 95–96
process of, 94f, 94–95
in effective leadership, 9f, 10
expertise enhanced by, 68, 68f
organizational, 64
in quality improvement evaluation,
139, 142t
Professional considerations and issues,
1–68, 169–255
leadership and followership as, 3–12
management as, 13–19
nursing career as, 217–237, 239–255
nursing practice and law as, 21–37
organizations, power, and empower-
ment as, 57–69
union membership and, 98–99
values and ethics as, 39–56, 257–258
workplace as, 171–194
work-related stress and burnout as,
Professional development
job choice and, 234
workplace climate and, 191
Professional identity
development of, 203
threats to
resistance to change and, 106–107
as source of conflict, 93
Professional negligence
malpractice as, 24
Professional organizations, 248–252.See
alsospecific organizations
empowerment through, 67
specialty, 252
Professional practice committee
in peer review, 87
Professional questions
in job interview, 229–232
Professional values
defined, 41
work realities versus, 201t, 201–203
in codes of ethics, 257–258
image of nursing and, 254
as organizational goal, 60–61
peer review and, 87
performance appraisal and, 86
in quality improvement, 137
Psychiatric hospitalization
legal issues in, 26
Psychological stressors, 198
Psychosocial factors
in ethical dilemma assessment, 50, 50b

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