Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
280 Index

Voluntary psychiatric hospitalization
legal issues in, 26

Lillian, 240, 243–244
in SWOT analysis, 219
Web sites
of organizations promoting quality
and safety, 148b
Wellness center
nontraditional structure of, 62, 64f
in burnout, 204
Work assignment guidelines
for registered nurses, 261–266
assignment despite objection and,
decision-making in, 262–266
documentation of practice situa-
tion and, 262
nursing care delivery and, 261
resources for, 266
Work climate
job choice and, 235
Work intensification
conflict from, 93
Working conditions
codes of ethics and, 257–258

Working relationships
in new job, 236
value of, 190–191
Working within organizations, 71–168.
See alsoWorkplace
delegation of client care in, 115–129
problems and conflicts in, 91–100
process of change and, 103–113
quality and safety in, 131–153
time management in, 157–168
working together in, 73–88
conflict from increased, 93
in empowerment, 65
Workplace.See alsoWorking within
burnout in, 204–207, 205b
change in, 103–112, 104f, 106f, 107t,
109f, 111t
communication in, 74b, 74–82, 75t,
76b–77b, 81t
cultural diversity in, 192–193
disaster readiness and, 189–190
ergonomic injuries in, 184–185
ethics in, 48.See alsoEthics
feedback in, 82t, 82–85, 83b–84b
health promotion in, 171–194
impaired workers in, 185–186
latex allergy in, 181–183, 182t
mandatory overtime in, 33–34, 187

microbial threats to, 186–187
needlestick injuries in, 172, 183–184
overview of, 172, 193–194
peer review in, 86–87
performance appraisal in, 85–86
physical environment in, 193
professional environment in, 191
reporting of client information in,
77b, 77–82, 78f–79f, 81t
reporting of questionable practices in,
188–189, 189b
rotating shifts in, 187
safety in, 171–176, 173t, 174b.See
sexual harassment in, 179–181,
social environment in, 190–191
staffing ratios in, 188, 188t
stress related to, 197–214.See also
substance abuse in, 185–186
terrorism readiness and, 189–190
unlicensed assistive personnel in,
violence in, 172, 176–179, 177b–179b
personalized patient, 119, 120f
in time management, 162
Written orders
physician, 81

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