Dollinger index

(Kiana) #1


where it will be packed, addressed, and shipped via FedEx or UPS. Matching the shirt number
to the invoice number will also be done at this point. The shipping department will be respon-
sible for completing the order by emailing the tracking number and shipment date to the cus-
tomer’s email address and by closing out record keeping in Babyyourway’s computer system. See
Appendix B for additional details regarding projected production requirements.
Quality control will be handled by the master printer, who will check a random sample of
products for color match, opacity, dot gain, and other measures recommended by the DuPont
Company for users of their equipment. Training will be handled by DuPont as part of the
Artistri’s purchase price. All quality results will be tracked with Quality Windows or equivalent
software, thereby allowing trends to be monitored before they become problems. The precise
order for the apparel can be referred to in the computer if there are questions. Orders will be
traced through the process from raw material to shipment using commercially available produc-
tion software. As grows, additional ISO 9000 principles will be implement-
ed, though certification may not be sought due to expense and the fact that it has little perceived
value in the B2C marketplace.
All maintenance will be handled during downtime by the master printer and printer tender
per DuPont guidelines. Extensive overhauls will be contracted out to the DuPont Company.
Engineering will also be contracted out on a project-by-project basis.

Development. R&D at will be focused in three separate areas, and the
importance of each will vary over time. These are 1) Process Improvement, 2) Ink Effects, and
Raw Materials, and 3) New Technology. Process improvement will focus on optimizing the
manufacturing and design process to get the most efficiency out of our resources. This repre-
sents the bulk of our efforts during our early years and is focused on making
profitable as quickly as possible by minimizing costs. The should result in an optimized process
and an intimate knowledge of the process and equipment for all manufacturing personnel. The
methodologies used will be DOX experimentation, industrial engineering concepts, and process
control creation.
In contrast, New Technology efforts will start small and ramp up over the five-year planning
horizon. These efforts will be focused on breakthrough results to differentiate
from the competition and create a sustainable competitive advantage. Efforts here will include
working with DuPont to be a test bed for their ideas where possible, working with local univer-
sity student resources to create new possibilities from our existing equipment, and scanning trade
shows and other events looking for the next big thing. This is truly breakthrough work and it
will require smart partnerships with experts in the field. will not yet have the
resources necessary to drive breakthrough results alone. It is fully expected that capacity and the
need to innovate will dictate new equipment purchases no later than Year 7. This R&D effort is
dedicated to ensuring that we choose and optimize the best possible equipment.
Finally, a constant, relatively low effort will be directed at trying out incremental improve-
ments with the equipment and suppliers we have. This will include testing new inks, such as
metallics, trying out new apparel products from suppliers, etc. The primary methodology
employed here is the industrial experiment wherein new items are tested under controlled con-
ditions and the results scrupulously measured to determine the impact. This is not breakthrough
work. It is a process of trying out various different options that suppliers (apparel manufactur-
ers, ink suppliers, DuPont) have to offer so that we can stay abreast of the current best products
and processes in the field.

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