Dollinger index

(Kiana) #1
Intrapreneurship and Corporate Venturing 399

Since all of these types of research are connected, technology clustersare sometimes
created. These are groups of firms that do interrelated research and are located close to
each other geographically. The clusters enable the scientists and businesspersons to inter-
act easily and to share data, research results, and business opportunities. These clusters
facilitate technology spillovers. Spillovers occur when an innovation can be used in
multiple situations and serve multiple markets.^43

The 10 Personas of IDEO

IDEO is a creativity and venturing consultan-
cy. Part of its job is to encourage positive
contributions to new initiatives and to avoid
advocate negativity. Ten roles have been
incorporated into their process, along with a
brief description of each. Next time you work
on developing something novel, especially in
a team setting, assign some of these roles to
participants and be sure that no one shoots
down the ideas until they have been fully
explored in a positive way.

The Learning Personashelp acquire and
generate new information and combinations:

  • Theanthropologist has insights about the
    way people behave, how they interact
    physically and emotionally. Keeps detailed
    notes of reality.

  • The experimenter creates prototypes, con-
    tinuously testing their characteristics.
    Engages in enlightened trial and error.

  • Thecross-pollinator takes ideas from other
    cultures, industries, and environments and
    applies them to the current situation.
    Creates innovative concept combinations.

The Organizing Personasdeal with organi-
zational politics and help reduce resistance
and promote change.

  • The hurdler overcomes barriers to intrapre-
    neurship and corporate venturing. Knows
    the players and their hot buttons.

    • The collaborator brings together groups
      whose own self-interest supports the inno-
      vation. Helps build consensus and majori-

    • The director assembles the cast of people
      who will promote and implement the ven-
      ture. Gets the best performances from his

The Building Personasimplement the inno-
vation or venture by applying the insights
offered by the earlier personas to the project.

  • The experience architect designs com-
    pelling experiences for the new customers.
    Provides the link between the venture and
    the market.

  • The set designer transforms the physical
    environment of the new venture to mold
    organization/employee performance and
    customer interface.

  • The caregiver cares, supporting the ven-
    ture’s employees as they deal with the
    uncertainty of the new business. Caring
    about customers helps the venture exceed
    their expectations.

  • The storyteller communicates the news
    about the venture, both internally and
    externally. Develops the narrative that can
    become the legend of the start-up.
    SOURCE: T. Kelley and J. Littman, The Ten Faces of
    Innovation(New York: Doubleday, 2005).


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