Dollinger index

(Kiana) #1

Resources and Capabilities

There is nothing as practical as a good theory.
—Kurt Lewin



After reading this chapter, you will understand

  • various approaches to and theories of entrepreneurship.

  • the resource-based theory of entrepreneurship, which explains how new firms can obtain and
    sustain competitive advantage.

  • strategic resources, and how these resources influence success.

  • some of the misconceptions about personality traits and the entrepreneurial personality.

  • why and how an entrepreneur is the primary human resource for a new venture.

  • the components of the entrepreneurial event, which is the creation of a new venture.

  • creativity techniquesfor generating business ideas.




Identifying Attributes of Strategic Resources
Valuable Resources
Rare Resources
Hard-to-Copy Resources
Nonsubstitutable Resources

Resource Types
Physical Resources
Reputational Resources
Organizational Resources
Financial Resources
Intellectual and Human Resources
Technological Resources

A Psychological Approach
Personality Characteristics
Limits of the Trait Approach

A Sociological Approach
Impetus for Entrepreneurship
Situational Characteristics


Appendix A. Creativity and Idea Generation
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