Basic 12-Bar Blues (with Variations)
Here is the blues chord progression in the key of C including the variations.
Basic Blues in C (with Variations)
Another very common variation is to put a ii minor chord going to the V in the 9th
and 10th bar. Here is the ii-V blues chord variation in the key of C.
Basic Blues in C (with ii-V Variation)
Key Ideas
The blues chord progression
has many variations.
A common variation is to
insert the IV chord in the
2nd measure.
When repeating the blues
form, put a V chord in the
last measure.
Another common variation
is to put a ii minor chord
going to the V chord in the
9th and 10th measure.
Session 1: Blues Basics
Blues Guitar with Steve Krenz 12 http://www.learnandmaster.com/bluesresources