Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

fields (continued)
size, specifying, 811
sizing to fit contents, 763
unfreezing, 807
unhiding, 806
file attachments. See attachments
file extensions, 617, 791
file formats
converting, 45
overview of, 44
saving Word documents as, 21
setting default, 20
file information
for documents, 15
for PowerPoint presentations, 502-506
for workbooks, 229-232
file locations of Word documents, specifying, 23
file name conventions, 791
file name extensions, 43-44
File New Database dialog box, 792
File Printout button (OneNote), 565-566, 572
File tab, 6, 15
inserting in documents, 97i
inserting in text boxes, 904
switching between, 53
fill color
adding to cells, 312, 314
adding to Excel table, 324
data bars, 334
Fill Days option, 258
Fill Effects dialog box (Word), 176
Fill Effects dialog box (Publisher), 916
fill handle, 256
controlling data series entry, 257
copying formulas with, 292
repeating values with, 257, 259
fill operations, 258
Fill Weekdays option, 258
defined, 257
entering data series, 256
filter arrows, 348, 350-351
Filter button, 852, 853
filter panel, 349
contact records, 661
Navigation pane, 753
OneNote page tabs, 518
ranges, 284
filtering records, 851
advanced options for, 857
customizing filters, 853
date filtering options, 855
in forms, 851

with forms, 855-857
on design grid criteria, 860-862
on multiple criteria, 859
options for, 853
specifying criteria for, 852-853
toggling filter, 852
with multiple criteria, 858
filters, 347-348
active cells in, 349
and AVERAGE function, 355
AutoFilter, 348
clearing, 350, 352-353
creating, 348, 353
and data types, 348
date, 348, 351
defined, 348
filter panel display, 349
for highest or lowest value, 349
labels in, 349
options menu, 348
removing, 350, 352-353
rules, defining, 350
Search box, 349, 352
search filter, defined, 349
and SUBTOTAL function, 357
and SUM function, 355
summarizing data, 355, 357
Top 10 filter, 349
turning off, 350
documents, 219, 223
presentations, 503
Find And Replace dialog box, 48, 75, 264, 266, 854
clearing formatting from, 269
Go To tab, displaying, 48
options summarized, 265
Replace tab, displaying, 76
Find button (Access), 854
Find button (PowerPoint), 418
Find button (Word), 73, 76
Find dialog box (PowerPoint), 418
Find Format dialog box (Excel), 265, 267
Find text, 420
finding fonts, 420
finding formatting, 130
finding information about errors, 301
finding maximum/minimum value in
worksheets, 287
finding text, 73, 76, 418. See also Navigation
task pane
advanced options for, 74, 77
in bilingual dictionary, 83
keyboard shortcut for, 73
matching case when, 75
and replacing, 75, 78

998 file attachments

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