Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
moving sections, 516
multiple, working with, 518
multiuser, 520
offline copies, 543
opening, 518, 522, 530, 546
organizing, 551
Personal, 516, 526
pinning to Recently Closed list, 530
populating, 540
printing, 525
properties, viewing, 522
red slashed circle icon, 550
saving, 524, 567
screen clippings, 579-582
scrolling pages in, 565
sending Web pages to, 579
settings, 530
setup of, 516
sharing, 520, 523, 540, 544-547
spelling/grammar checks, 520
storing, 540
synchronizing, 543, 549-550
templates, 552
Web sharing, 544, 547
yellow caution triangle icon, 550
Notes masters, 495
notes (OneNote)
audio, 585
clip art, inserting, 569
formatting, 569
handwritten, 577
images, inserting, 568
outline levels, 570
Tablet PC, entering with, 567
video, 585
from Web pages, 579-583
Notes Page button (PowerPoint), 495, 496
Notes Page view (PowerPoint), 53, 494
notes pages (PowerPoint)
adding to slides, 495, 497
adding diagrams, 498
adding headers/footers, 499
adding pictures, 496
handwritten, 567
printing, 492, 499
notes, PowerPoint. See notes pages (PowerPoint)
NOW() function, 287
numbered lists. See also lists
creating, 131, 133
numbering value, setting, 134
number style, changing, 132
restarting numbering, 133
numbered steps, xx
Numbering button (PowerPoint), 437
Numbering button (Word), 131, 133

numbers. See also values
adding text to values, 329, 332
currency, formatting, 329, 331
dates, formatting, 329, 330
displaying visually, 462
formatting, 319, 327, 329, 331
negative, and data bars, 335
negative, displaying, 329
phone numbers, formatting, 328, 331
sorting, 850
specifying in validation rules, 364

object commands. See contextual tabs
object selectors (OneNote), 564
Office 2010
common user interface, 3
compatibility with earlier versions, 44
online applications, xi, xv
software suite comparison, xi, xv
themes in, 322
Office Online Web site
clip art images, 448
Help from, xxvii, xxxv
templates on, 39
themes from, 107
Office Open XML formats, 44
Office Professional Plus, xi, xv
Office Standard, xi, xv
Office theme, 320, 829
Office Themes
copying worksheets, 234
Office Web Apps, xi, xv
one-to-many relationships, 813
one-to-one relationships, 814
OneNote 2010. See also notebooks (OneNote)
advanced options, 536
audio/video options, 536
Backstage view, 522
customizing, 535
display options, 536
docking to desktop, 532-533
docking window, 532
drawing pictures in, 577
entering text in, 572
external files, inserting, 572
Full Page View, 533
handwritten content, 520
Help, accessing, 525
inserting content in, 519
language options, 536
Navigation Bar, 517, 526-527
navigation keyboard shortcuts, 534

OneNote 2010 1009

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