Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Save As dialog box (Access), 801
Save As dialog box (Excel), 231
Save As dialog box (PowerPoint), 380
Save As dialog box (Word), 39, 42-43
Save As page (OneNote Backstage view), 524
Save As Type arrow (Word), 40
Save button (Access), 750, 798, 815
Save button (Outlook), 604
Save button (PowerPoint), 391
Save button (Word), 5, 39, 41-42
Save & Close button, 652, 683, 725, 728
Save & New arrow, 653
Save Current Theme dialog box (Excel), 322, 326
saving conditional formatting rules, 333
saving documents, 39, 42
automatically, 41
creating folders for, 43
as earlier format, 45
folders, creating for, 40
in new location, 40, 43
as new version, 41
keyboard shortcut for, 41
overwriting when, 41
saving e-mail messages, 605
saving forms, 828, 836
saving message drafts, 604
saving OneNote items, 524, 567
saving presentations, 380
saving publications, 870
saving queries, 773
saving records, 798, 799
saving tables, 798, 801, 815
saving themes, 107, 109, 829
saving workbooks, 229-232
OneNote images, 568
printed pages, 208
slides when printing, 493
Schedule view (Calendar), 702
Scheduling Assistant button, 695
Scheduling Assistant page, 692-693, 695
scheduling meeting requests, 693, 695
Schemes gallery, 958
Screen Clipping button (OneNote), 581
screen clippings from OneNote, 579
adding to notebooks, 581
capturing, 581
displaying, 582
options for, 580
sending to new page, 581
Screen Clipping tool, 569, 581
for attachments, 623
for clip art, 922

customizing display of, 7, 751
displaying, xxv, 7, 10, 18
feature descriptions, hiding in, 19
language, specifying, 21
for OneNote images, 576
overview of, xxxiii
for search results, 74
viewing, 751
scroll bar, navigating with, 47
scrolling in Reading Pane, 629
scrolling pages in OneNote, 565
Search box, filtering and, 349, 352
searching. See also finding text
in audio notes, 585
for clip art images, 452, 919-920, 924
filters for, 349
in Help window, xxviii, xxxvi
for Publisher templates, 869
wildcards for, 75, 857, 859
for Word templates, 39
in worksheets, 264-266
section breaks
for columns, 140, 142
deleting, 214
formatting mark for, 214, 216
inserting, 214, 216
overview of, 214
Section button (PowerPoint), 381, 383
section groups (OneNote), 555
adding sections to, 560
creating, 559
opening, 560
section tabs (OneNote), 571
sections (OneNote)
color, changing, 555
creating, 555, 559
grouping. See section groups (OneNote)
keyboard shortcut for creating, 559
naming, 554-555
sections (PowerPoint)
creating in Slide Sorter view, 382
deleting, 386
dividing presentations into, 380, 384
rearranging, 386
sections (Word), changing margins, 208
security warnings, 752, 758
See Also paragraphs, xx
Select All button, 834, 840
Select Browse Object button, 48, 50
Select button (PowerPoint), 441
Select button (Publisher), 905
Select button (Word), 142, 153
Select Column button, 838
Select Data Source dialog box (Publisher), 967

1018 Save As dialog box (Access)

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