Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
removing animation, 481
sounds, adding, 482
subtle, 479
timing, 483
viewing, 482
adding, 371, 374
applying color scheme to selected, 426
changing order within presentations, 386
charts in, 462
clip art images in, 448
copying from other presentations, 375
date/time in, 489
deleting, 371, 374
diagrams in, 455-456
displaying full screen, 509
displaying preview, 494
dividing into sections, 384
duplicating, 375, 378
footers, 489
highlighting during presentations, 512
importing outlines, 374, 375
in slide libraries, 379
libraries, 379
moving, 384
notes in. See notes pages (PowerPoint)
number, adding, 489
pictures in. See images (PowerPoint)
previewing, 494
printing, 492
rearranging, 386
rearranging in Slide Sorter view, 385
renaming sections, 382
reusing, 378
saving as pictures, 448
size, changing, 486
sizing, 488
text, adding, 390
titles, 390
Slides tab, 384
SmartArt button (PowerPoint), 455, 497
SmartArt graphics, 454. See also diagrams
SmartArt Styles gallery, 460
smart cut and paste, 69
SMS messages. See text messages
soft page breaks, 212
software support, xxix
Some Data May Not Be Displayed message, 778
Sort button (Word), 131, 135, 154
Sort Text dialog box (Word), 137
in Access, 850
contact records, 663

lists, 131, 135
tables, 154
text, 137
sorting records, 846, 848
alphabetically, 847
in descending order, 848
in forms, 846
on multiple fields, 846, 849
with numbers, 850
removing sort, 848
sounds, associating with slide transitions, 482
spaces, automatic insertion of, 69
character, 439
between columns, 144
paragraph, 122, 127, 148, 438
Spanish dictionary, 412
speaker notes
adding diagrams, 498
adding headers/footers, 499
adding to slides, 495, 497
preparing, 501
printing, 492, 499
Special formats (number), 328
special text. See text effects
Spelling And Grammar dialog box (Word), 88, 91
Spelling button (PowerPoint), 412, 414
spelling, checking, 42, 269, 272, 412, 415, 520
adding new words to dictionary, 269, 272
with AutoCorrect, 88-89
with shortcut menu, 88, 90
with Spelling and Grammar dialog box, 88
turning off, 412
typos, 63
Spelling dialog box (Excel), 272
Spelling & Grammar button (Word), 88, 91
Split Cells button (Word), 154
splitting cells, 154
splitting documents, 53
spouse, adding to contact records, 652
spreadsheets. See worksheets
square brackets [ ] in formulas, 289, 299
squares, drawing, 933
Stacked layout, 837
text, 394
windows, 59
Start button, 4, 748
Start menu, 4, 748
Access 2010, 748, 752
Excel 2010, 4, 227, 229
OneNote 2010, 4, 526

starting 1021

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