Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Text Effects button (Word), 101, 105
text, entering, 41, 64
in OneNote, 565, 572
on Outline tab, 390
in Slide pane, 390
in text boxes, 394
Text Fit button (Publisher), 908
Text Formatting dialog box launcher, 755
text, hiding, 53
Text Highlight Color arrow (Word), 34
Text Highlight Color button (Word), 117
text messages, forwarding e-mail messages as, 635
Text Pane button (PowerPoint), 457
text, selecting, 65, 68, 71, 141, 401
by line, 103
deselecting, 66
in tables, 155
text size
changing, 111, 116, 313
incrementing, 116
keyboard shortcuts for adjusting, 116
text strings, quotation marks in, 330, 332
text wrapping
in text boxes, 395
around WordArt, 199
textured backgrounds, 178, 430
Theme Colors button (Word), 107
theme colors (Word)
changing, 107, 117
previewing effects of, 13
Theme Fonts button (Word), 108
themes (Access)
applying, 831
changing, 829
customizing, 830, 835
mixing and matching, 829
overview of, 829
saving, 829
Themes button (Access), 829-830
Themes button (Word), 13, 106-107
themes (Excel)
active, and available colors, 321
applying, 320
changing, 322, 326
colors in palette, 321
creating, 322
default, 320
defined, 320
in other Office programs, 322
Office theme, 320
switching, effect of, 321
Themes gallery, 424

themes (PowerPoint), 423
applying different, 425
live previews of, 424
switching , 424
themes (Word)
applying, 106, 107
color set, changing, 108
font set, changing, 109
from Microsoft Office Online Web site, 107
gallery of, 13
live preview of, 107
mixing and matching, 107
overview of, 106
saving, 107, 109
Thesaurus, 270, 273, 412, 416
finding synonyms in, 85
overview of, 79
Thesaurus button (PowerPoint), 415
Thesaurus button (Word), 79, 85
threaded message view. See Conversation view
three-dimensional borders, 128
thumb tabs, xix
thumbnails, 384
galleries of, 10
tick-mark labels in charts, 463
TIFF file format, 455
in footers, 487
formatting cells for, 319
in OneNote, inserting, 584
time of recalculation, using NOW() function to
display, 287
time zones, specifying for appointments, 681
Tip paragraphs, xx
title bars, 5, 750
title pages for publications, 877
document, 220
slide, 390
To-Do Bar. See also task lists
closing, 613
creating tasks in, 717, 722
dragging messages to, 719, 721
minimizing, 707
Task List, 715
views, switching, 735
To-Do Bar button, 707
To-Do Bar Tasks List, 735
To-Do List
creating tasks in, 716
overview of, 715
resizing, 721
viewing, 735

1026 Text Effects button (Word)

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