Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

122 Chapter 4 Change the Look of Text

After selecting the type of tab stop you want to set, you simply click the ruler where you
want the tab stop to be. Word then removes any default tab stops to the left of the one
you set.

This ruler has a custom left-aligned tab stop at the 1.5 inch mark and default tab stops every half
inch to the right of the custom tab stop.

To change the position of an existing custom tab stop, you drag it to the left or right on
the ruler. To delete a custom tab stop, you drag it away from the ruler.
To align the text to the right of the cursor with the next tab stop, you press the Tab
key. The text is then aligned on the tab stop according to its type. For example, if you
set a center tab stop, pressing Tab moves the text so that its center is aligned with the
tab stop.
Tip To fine-tune the position of tab stops, click the Paragraph dialog box launcher on either the
Home or Page Layout tab. In the Paragraph dialog box, click Tabs to display the Tabs dialog box.
You might also open this dialog box if you want to use tab leaders—visible marks such as dots
or dashes connecting the text before the tab with the text after it. For example, tab leaders are
useful in a table of contents to carry the eye from the text to the page number.
To make it obvious where one paragraph ends and another begins, you can add
space between them by adjusting the Spacing After and Spacing Before settings in the
Paragraph group on the Page Layout tab. You can adjust the spacing between the lines
in a paragraph by clicking the Line And Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph
group on the Home tab.

The Line Spacing options.
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