Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
You can position the WordArt object in one of 10 predefined positions.

  1. Point to each thumbnail in turn to preview where each option will place the object.
    Then under With Text Wrapping, click the second thumbnail in the second row
    (Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping).
    The object moves to the middle of the page.
    Don’t worry if the word Planner is now truncated. Because of the interaction of the
    object with its surrounding text, sometimes not all the WordArt text fits in its box
    after you position it. You’ll fix that in a minute.

  2. In the Arrange group, click the Wrap Text button.

The Wrap Text gallery appears.

You can change the text wrapping without changing the position.

Adding WordArt Text 199

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