Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
Excel displays the table rows that contain the five highest values in the column.

  1. Click the Exceptions column filter arrow, and then click Clear Filter from “Exceptions”.

Excel removes the filter.

  1. Click the Date column filter arrow, click Date Filters, and then click Custom Filter.

The Custom AutoFilter dialog box opens.

  1. In the upper-left list, click is after or equal to. In the upper-right list, click
    3/8/2010. In the lower-left list, click is before or equal to. In the lower-right list,
    click 3/14/2010.

  2. Click OK.

Excel filters the table.

Because you left the AND option selected, Excel displays all table rows that contain a date
from 3/8/2010 to 3/14/2010, inclusive.

  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Undo button to remove your filter.

CLEAN UP Save the PackageExceptions workbook, and then close it.

Limiting Data That Appears on Your Screen 353

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