Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

406 Chapter 14 Work with Slide Text

Correcting and Sizing Text While Typing.

We all make mistakes while typing text in a presentation. To help you ensure that these
mistakes don’t go uncorrected, PowerPoint uses the AutoCorrect feature to catch and
automatically correct many common capitalization and spelling errors. For example, if
you type teh instead of the or WHen instead of When, AutoCorrect immediately corrects
the entry.
Tip If you don’t want an entry you type to be corrected—for example, if you want to start a
new paragraph with a lowercase letter—click the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar
when AutoCorrect makes the change.
You can customize AutoCorrect to recognize misspellings you routinely type or
to ignore text you do not want AutoCorrect to change. You can also create your own
AutoCorrect entries to automate the typing of frequently used text. For example, you
might customize AutoCorrect to enter the name of your organization when you type
only an abbreviation.
In addition to providing the AutoCorrect feature to correct misspellings as you type,
PowerPoint provides an AutoFit feature to size text to fit its placeholder. By default, if
you type more text than will fit in a placeholder, PowerPoint reduces the size of the text
so that all the text fits, and displays the AutoFit Options button to the left of the place-
holder. Clicking this button displays a menu that gives you control over automatic sizing.
For example, you can stop sizing text for the current placeholder while retaining the
AutoFit settings for other placeholders.
Tip You can also change the AutoFit settings for a placeholder on the Text Box page of the
Format Shape dialog box. In the Autofit area, you can change the default Shrink Text On
Overflow setting to Do Not Autofit. You can also specify that instead of the text being sized
to fit the placeholder, the placeholder should be sized to fit the text.
You can change the default AutoFit settings by clicking Control AutoCorrect Options on
the AutoFit Options button’s menu to display the AutoFormat As You Type page of the
AutoCorrect dialog box.
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