Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words 415

  1. In the Suggestions list, click Pursue, and then click Change.

The spelling checker replaces Persue with the suggested Pursue and then stops
on the word CSCom, suggesting Como as the correct spelling. For purposes
of this exercise, assume that this is a common abbreviation for Community
Service Committee.

  1. Click Add.

The term CSCom is added to the CUSTOM.DIC dictionary.
Tip If you do not want to change a word or add it to the supplemental dictionary,
you can click Ignore or Ignore All. The spelling checker then ignores either just that
word or all instances of the word in the presentation during subsequent spell
checking sessions.
Next the spelling checker stops on the because it is the second of two occurrences
of the word.

  1. Click Delete.

The duplicated word is deleted. Now the spelling checker identifies employes as a

  1. In the suggestions list, click employees, and then click AutoCorrect.

PowerPoint adds the misspelling and the selected spelling to the AutoCorrect sub-
stitution table.

  1. Click Change to change succesful to successful.

  2. When a message box tells you that the spelling check is complete, click OK.

This presentation still has spelling problems—words that are spelled correctly
but that aren’t correct in context. We’ll leave it to you to proof the slides and
correct these errors manually. In the meantime, we’ll finish the exercise by using
the Thesaurus to find a synonym.

  1. On slide 1 , select the word Executing (but not the space following the word).

  2. On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click the Thesaurus button.

Keyboard Shortcut Press Shift+F7 to activate the Thesaurus.
The Research task pane opens on the right side of the screen, displaying a list of
synonyms for the selected word.
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