Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Changing the Alignment, Spacing, Size, and Look of Text 441

  1. Display slide 5 , and click anywhere in the bulleted list. Then in the Editing group,
    click the Select button, and click Select All.
    All the text in the placeholder is selected. The text at the bottom is not selected
    because it is in a separate text box, not in the placeholder.

  2. In the Font group, click the Increase Font Size button until the setting in the Font
    Size box is 44.
    Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+Shift+> to increase the font size.
    Using the Increase Font Size and Decrease Font Size buttons takes the guesswork
    out of sizing text.

The first bullet point now spans the width of the placeholder.

  1. In the Font group, click the Clear All Formatting button to return the font
    size to 24.

  2. Display slide 9 , and select both bullet points.

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