Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1


16 Add Simple Visual


In this chapter, you will learn how to
✔ Insert pictures and clip art images.
✔ Insert diagrams.
✔ Insert charts.
✔ Draw shapes.
✔ Add transitions.

With the ready availability of professionally designed templates, presentations have
become more visually sophisticated and appealing. The words you use on your slides are
no longer enough to guarantee the success of a presentation. These days, presentations
are likely to have fewer words and more graphic elements. In fact, many successful
presenters dispense with words altogether and use their slides only to graphically reinforce
what they say when they deliver their presentations.
The general term graphics applies to several kinds of visual enhancements, including pictures,
clip art images, diagrams, charts, and shapes. All of these types of graphics are inserted
as objects on a slide and can then be sized, moved, and copied. For purposes of this chapter,
we also consider transitions from one slide to another as a type of visual enhancement.
See Also For information about formatting and otherwise modifying graphics, refer to
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Step by Step, by Joyce Cox and Joan Lambert (Microsoft Press, 2010).
In this chapter, you’ll insert pictures and clip art images. You’ll create a diagram and a
chart, and you’ll draw a simple illustration by using built-in shapes. Finally, you’ll change
the way slides move on and off the screen during a slide show.

Practice Files Before you can complete the exercises in this chapter, you need to copy
the book’s practice files to your computer. The practice files you’ll use to complete
the exercises in this chapter are in the Chapter16 practice file folder. A complete list of
practice files is provided in “Using the Practice Files” at the beginning of this book.


16 Add Simple Visual

Enhancements 447

Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images...................................... 448
Inserting Diagrams...................................................... 454
Graphic Formats.................................................... 455
Converting Existing Bullet Points into Diagrams........................ 462
Inserting Charts......................................................... 462
Drawing Shapes......................................................... 470
Connecting Shapes................................................. 478
Adding Transitions....................................................... 479
Key Points.............................................................. 483
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